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The next task is for you to tow Vance's RV out of the quagmire. This begins with an awkward maneuver for Skyler, who leans out the RV's back door to tie one end of the rope to the rear bumper, mere inches above the surface of the potent brew. Though she looks a tad woozy, she manages it.

Now it's your turn. You tie your end of that rope to your back bumper and start the motor. You press the gas pedal. The rope goes taut. You give it more gas.

With a great sucking sound, the RV shudders. Then comes the tearing sound as your bumper shears off and lands in the muck. You stomp the brakes. What now?

With a laugh, Skyler says, "May I make a suggestion? Tie the rope to the axle."

"Now you tell me," you grumble. But she's right. This time, the RV lurches free. A cheer goes up from everyone. You keep pulling at the same speed until all six wheels are on terra firma.

With the RV free, Brett prepares to treat Vance. In addition to dehydration, light-headedness, and nausea, he's suffering from burns produced by contact with whatever noxious substances are in that unholy cauldron.
