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You make for the back door and jump in. Whatever reaction you expected from Vance doesn't happen. He fails to take note of your uninvited entry as he unearths a high-powered rifle, a magazine, and some cartridges. Good thing the safety is on. Casey and Skyler crowd in behind you. Casey slips around you and takes over the driver's seat while scowling at the weapon in Vance's hand. You open the sunroof, and Brett climbs down inside too. Everyone stares out the windows as the ground begins to shake beneath the weight of the fast-approaching herd.

You hunker down and barely get your heart rate under control just as the leading edge of the hadrosaur colony surges toward the RV. Barking and bounding, the long-legged matriarchs take no notice of any of you or your vehicles in their frantic flight from…what? Fortunately, they come no closer to you than a few dozen feet. The juveniles follow, no longer jousting with one another but running in earnest. Bringing up the rear are the new mothers weighted down with five, six, or seven babies clinging to their backs, their higher-pitched clacks adding to the cacophony as they flail their forelimbs.

From here, it's impossible to see what spooked them.

Last of all comes Mama Haddie, toting her obstreperous brood. In her haste, she passes within a hand's width of body-slamming the RV. You cringe as she swerves at the last instant. However, not all her young passengers are prepared for her abrupt course correction. Or maybe her offspring have picked the worst time to start their roughhousing once again. You don't see exactly how it happens, but one little baby duckbill tumbles off its mother's broad back and lands in the dirt.

Kub Kub Kub