WebNovelaz Dr99.21%


On a lark, more than anything, you ship your movie off to an indie film festival and forget about it for a while. One day, you hear back.

The programmers comment on the precisely modulated voice-overs, which indicate what species are on screen and what they're doing. You included explanations where necessary, striving to give each different type of dinosaur, pterosaur, or other creature the time it merits.

The bottom line is that your movie has been accepted! You're invited to the screening. Well, of course you go to opening night. Naturally, Brett insists on coming with you. After all, she's your biggest fan. Watching the audience's response to your work is a whole new experience.

Your one and only documentary is deemed impressive, indeed. Vance's good looks come through, and the dinosaurs add sizzle. Everyone adores baby Kubbie's antics. The movie draws considerable interest from film buffs, generating applause when the credits roll. This does not mean, however, that anyone outside the film industry will ever recognize your name.

Once all the dust settles, before you know it, people (mainly your parents) expect you to pick out a career for yourself. What's your preference?