Chapter 278: A Look Outside

With my convictions set and made, I took a deep breath and got onto my feet, ignoring the pain from my lame right leg as I began to move.

Once I was up and leaning on my crutches, I pursed my lips as I stared at the long, uneven rock walls around me that led up towards the cavern above.

Turning, I stared at the small outcroppings for a few moments before hesitantly grabbing ahold of the wall, wondering if I could climb up like this.

My first thought had been to use magic to create platforms to scale up, almost like stairs, but the problem with that was that I wanted to let my core refill itself with the mana in the air so that I could heal myself completely...

So, that easier method was sadly off the table for the moment, and the next option available was to free climb the rocks and hope I could manage with a lame right leg...

Doubtful, but I wanted to give it a shot.