Chapter 303: Amongst the Arese

As I looked at the awkward Eyoli and Valaka, I asked "I thought you two said you were important? Sought after? So... why are we alone now?"

Eyoli responded first, her voice slightly unsteady as she muttered "W-Well, y'see, I uh... Since I'm one of Priestess Liana's personal dancers, I'm uh... ahem..."

Sadly, she couldn't finish her sentence, her eyes not able to meet mine as she looked away, scratching her cheek.

As for Valaka, she coughed again as she said "I've... I've yet to c-commit to a mate yet..? S-So some of the women around don't... risk wasting their time, I guess? I-I'm still sought after though!"

Raising a brow, I looked between them for a few moments before sighing, shrugging my shoulders as I said "Uh-huh... well, come on then; show me around, or at least take me to somewhere to rest or something..."