Chapter 339: The Road Ahead

Kat PoV

The next morning, after my hands once again found themselves where they shouldn't have strayed, I got up, washed up, and made my way towards the table that held my new clothes and armor.

Slipping them on, I nodded to myself at the comfortable material and freedom of movement they provided, before tightening the straps a little and beginning to hang everything on my belt.

Three daggers - one of which was unenchanted due to my lack of mana last night - were sheathed on my belt, my Protective and Breeze Fangs hanging on my right and left hip respectively, while the last dagger - the new one - was sheathed on the back of my belt.

Hanging on my left side was the potion satchel, evening out the weight of the Protective Fang a little.

Finally, I hoisted the pack onto my back and nodded, not finding too much of a problem with the weight at the moment, but that could change at any time.