Chapter 371: Mansion on the Hill

Jahi PoV

Leading the way towards the mansion that sat above the city of Huran, I frowned at the silence that permeated the air.

No breeze, no sounds from insects or animals, nothing.

Which was odd.

Such an open city like Huran would have a perpetual breeze on these plains, while such widespread carnage and readily available corpses would have attracted swarms of flies and other scavengers, and yet... nothing.

The sun shone over head, expediting the rotting of the corpses, and yet not a single maggot writhed inside the flesh of the dead humans, nor did a single vulture fly overhead searching for an easy meal.

No mice or rats scurried through the long grasses around the city's edge, nor did any voles take this free opportunity to raid the various herb gardens left vacant.

The air was still and humid, the city silent, and apparently the very earth itself had been 'claimed' by whatever - or whoever - did this.