Chapter 385: Serious Talk

Jahi PoV

Mom stared at me in silence for a few moments, leaning on her gargantuan blade as she slowly gathered her thoughts.

"So... Nua'Morte. Ka'Hondi. Both are Arch Fiends; Arch Fiend of Deathly Pestilence and Arch Fiend of Wrath respectively. Now, what do you know of what makes a Fiend a Fiend?"

I frowned at Mom as she stared at me quizzically, her ruby eyes glittering in the descending sun's light as she waited for an answer.

"You told me that they were creatures born from strong negative emotions tied to certain places or things. Specifically, you told me that Ka'Hondi was born from the anger and hate that festered between two giant powers millennia ago, that those people grew to hate each other so much that something was born from their hate and given form."