Chapter 425: Unrestrained Passion (1)*

"I'm back, Mistresses."

Such simple words made my heart swell inside my chest, the woman who spoke them aloud wearing the most beautiful smile as she clasped her hands in front of her, standing with the posture and grace expected from the Maid of a Noble House.

I slowly made my ways forwards, my hands shaking slightly as I hesitantly reached out towards her, wondering if this was all just a dream; something I would wake up from before I could touch her.

Just like always, the Dogkin woman in front of me smiled as she reached forwards and gently clasped my hand in hers, rubbing her thumb over my skin as she whispered "I'm back, Jahi...", her ethereal pale blue eyes meeting mine as she read me perfectly.

My breathing hitched in my throat as her cool, familiar touch landed on my flesh, and I took another step forwards and looked down at her, barely able to believe that she was truly here.

That she was back, in front of me, where she belonged...