Chapter 436: Return to the Capital

Kat PoV

I rested my hands on Leone's back and allowed my Water Mana to flow over her body, absorbing her sweat and cleaning off her clothes after a long hour spent inside the training grounds.

All of us were sweaty and dirty, the hard exercise of mock fighting and being knocked into the sand making this a grueling, yet beneficial hour spent on this beautiful morning.

I was both surprised and not surprised to learn that I had improved quite a bit compared to the others, my journey spent away from them reaping me many benefits, although I was still an all rounder compared to each of them being specialists.

My over all stats had gone up, giving me more speed and power - along with precision and control - to bridge the gap between me and them physically, while my arcane stats were still unclear compared to Leone's.

Anput focused on speed and precision, while Jahi focused on raw power with a hidden control over her blades.