Chapter 452: A New Day

[Kat, wake up!]

The sound of the System screaming in my mind jolted me awake, and I panted as I was wrenched from the warm, cozy, comforting, wondrous, perfect confines of sleep and instead thrown into the terrible reality of being awake.

I groaned as I held my head in my hands, a dull ache forming from the sudden rude awakening - an awakening that was sadly very needed.

Faced with the requirement of leaving the comfort of a slept in bed, I could only let out another groan as I reluctantly threw my legs out from under the covers, standing up in the dark bedchambers that we had been graciously given.

I looked around and noted that everyone was still fast asleep, making me sigh as I began waking everyone up.

To start, I nimbly avoided the sweeping grasp of Jahi as she tried to grab ahold of me as I shook her broad shoulders, the Demoness growling in annoyance as I shook her once more.