Chapter 479: Pushing the Limits

The next morning we had to - sadly - return to the training grounds, all the other Knights just as reluctant as us as we filtered into the sandy area, where an angry Demon Wolf prowled around.

"You only got that break because the Empress decreed it! Don't think today will be any easier... if anything, I'm pissed she let you all have a break to begin with!"

Everyone flinched at her growl, and we all exchanged glances as we prayed that the Empress would come back to save us once more.

Sadly, it would seem that the Empress had acquiesced to her crazy wife's demands as she made herself scarce; as did Lady D'Arcon, making us all understand just how ticked Lady Fenryas was as she thoroughly beat each of us into a pulp, mixing training and venting her petulant anger on us all.

That day, we returned to how we 'trained' on the first day, throwing ourselves at the ticked off Demon Wolf over and over again.