Chapter 507: Fruits Of Our Labor (1)

After a nice, relaxing walk out into the gardens, we returned to the room to see the Marquess lounging on the couch, a book in hand as she softly stroked the hair of Mother, who was napping with her head on the Marquess' lap.

The Countess was scribbling something down onto a page in a book, the Elf sitting near the window and enjoying the natural light streaming through, entirely absorbed into whatever it was that she was doing.

Glancing our way, the Marquess smirked as she closed the book silently, whispering "Unlike you youngsters, I know how to indulge in moderation~!"

Jahi rolled her eyes at that, whispering back "I sincerely doubt that... If I had to make a bet, Miss Julie got tired and Mother decided to call it for the moment."

Hearing her daughter, the Countess glanced up from her book and said "I have no idea what she said, but I know it was likely against you, Chordeva, so it's definitely true."