Chapter 636: Fulfillment of Needs (1)*

Anput and Jahi pulled me into our temporary room turned new home, where we found the Countess humming quietly to herself as she rocked back and forth on her rocker with the two babies fast asleep, the Elf dozing off while Mother hummed quietly in the kitchen, cooking something to eat alongside Bessie.

Hearing us enter, the three women turned and smiled softly, with Mother gesturing to the kitchen as she said "I made everything already, it just needs to warm up... Go rinse off quickly before eating. Is Leone going to be here too, or..?"

We glanced at one another before shrugging, and I said "Maybe, maybe not. She was with Lady Lorelei last we saw her. They found an artifact with Moon Magic on it, so... who knows."

The Countess nodded and asked "And Chordeva?"

"Mom should be back soon..? The Empress was getting the last of the report from her when we left."