Chapter 677: Family Ties (3)

"Alright, alright! Stop antagonizing my Mom please, Belian, and please stop letting his words get to you! Are you a child?!"

I glared at the two older Demons, both of whom let out a huff as they looked away from one another, focusing instead on me.

"I shall certainly try, Jahi, but it is just so~ easy to rile her up, y'know? It makes it even more sweet when I know she can't do anything about it~!"

"Belian... don't make me snap you in half, you red twig..!"

"Oh you can certainly try, you blue imbecile! Gotta catch me first though~!"

"STOP! Oh my..! For the love of all that is holy, just..! Belian, the Cimeriesa's! What about 'em?!"

Mom let out another huff as she turned away, her arms crossed over her chest as she glared off to the side, while Belian twirled his blade before gesturing for me to begin the next spar, the man still treating this training session the way I would prefer.