Chapter 733: Meeting of Demons (4)

"Oh for fucks sake..! Satanya, Ammit! For the love of all that is holy, please do NOT piss off Jahi enough to the point that she'll kill you!"

Belian lunged forwards and pushed Jahi back before doing the same to the red and golden Demonesses, keeping himself between the three of them and wearing an exasperated expression as he kept his eyes trained on Jahi primarily, who was glaring at the other two with those golden eyes of hers.

We stood beside her as well, making the red skinned man grit his teeth as he observed the four of us for a moment before looking back at the other two, those brown eyes of his filled with a myriad of conflicting emotions as he remained between us.

"Damnit... Nakith, Luci, hold onto these two for me, will you?! I'd rather not have to explain how they both got themselves killed for self induced idiocy!"