Chapter 759: Nogart (3)

Looming over the dozing human woman, I silently raised my dagger and nodded at the red skinned Demoness standing nearby, her own dagger held at the ready as she waited for my signal, which I provided by clamping my hand over the woman's mouth and sliding the dagger across her bare throat at the same time, cutting into it and flooding her windpipe with her own blood, forcing her to choke on it.

After I killed her, I leapt onto the other and stabbed him in the throat instead, twisting the dagger and snapping his spinal cord with a quick twist, leaving this small encampment of Cultists dead.

"Drag 'em into the store and hide their bodies. I'll clean up the blood afterwards."

Leraie gave me a curt nod and lifted her kill, carrying them into the destroyed store and hiding them behind the counter, before taking the body from me as I walked in behind her.