Chapter 927: On The Prowl

Kat PoV

[Fiend Ka'Minvis killed - 6,000,000 Xp gained!]

[Quests completed x7 - 1,750,000 Xp gained!]

[100,000 Shop Points gained!]

[Level 61 - 530,788 / 2,750,000 -> Level 64 - 30,788 / 2,750,000]


STR : 125 -> 128

CON : 135 -> 140

AGI : 145 -> 152

DEX : 145 -> 152

CHA : 85 -> 86

WIS : 140 -> 142

INT : 140 -> 142]

A nice boost in experience after fighting Ka'Minvis, as well as a good boost in stats as well, which was always a welcome sight no matter what; any increase was a good increase at this moment, and adding more funds to my already bulging wallet was also a boon.

Not the most insane haul all things considered, but for a 'single' target - Ka'Minvis - this was better than I had expected, especially considering Tza'Orbias had been at 7,500,000 on its own, with the large additions of the Cultists and monsters that were summoned to be a nuisance to us during the fight.