Chapter 932: Home Sweet Home

The stop at Arx Impius was a swift one, with Belian and Lady Hathor hosting us for an hour or so whilst we discussed the split of materials, which was sort of mind numbing as we drafted up the papers and signed deals with one another, ensuring that we would have our portion shipped to the Capital in a few days, as well as the exchange we did of some of the materials as well.

We 'purchased' some more gemstones and higher quality materials from them in exchange for the lower level materials, as well as the selling of our services, specifically Anput's and my own, with Belian wanting us to create some Wands and Staves for the Demon Clans with the materials we had acquired.

The entire time, Anput was rather distant and quiet, the usually boisterous Jackalkin listening to us closely but not speaking that often, only doing so when she needed to as she gave answers to questions or inputs on what she needed, wanted, or didn't need or want from the Clans.