Chapter 1009: Ka'Volan (2)


Fire erupted from the sands around Ka'Volan, and the Fiend stood to its full, intimidating height behind the curtain of flames and let out a roar of anguish and rage from having been so easily pushed back.

"You DARE wound the great Ka'Volan?! You pesky, irritating mortals!"

The reverberating boom of the Fiend's shout filled the basin, and I tilted my head to the side as I looked down upon the fight, taking it all in from a distance and preparing myself to step in should I need to, but...

The curtain of flames crashed back down to the sands and leapt at the Jackalkin, who was staring down the taller, bulkier Fiend unabashedly as she hefted her Kanabo, not taking a step back to retreat even as the fire washed over the ground towards her.