"I can enter these trials, Kat, and I can do them with such ease as well... oh, it's honestly so surprising how simple they can be~! Do you understand how touch starved these trapped, unknown people are? How quick they succumb to lust?"
Cali leaned forwards and grinned at me, her lips pulling apart to reveal her perfectly white teeth that glimmered in the sunlight, matching the rest of her radiance quite well; her fangs were sharper than Leone's, and in the back of my mind I had to wonder if they felt different then the Vampire's...
"Not only can I enter these trials, Kat, but I can complete them in oh so simple times too. Pick the right trial and then I'm in and out based on how quick I want it to be... These trapped souls are so quick to succumb to pleasure after who knows how long they have spent wasting away...