Ch19 The Touge Race

Next morning, Lancer gathered up all the boys on a mountain road to prepare for the battle against the Mountain Shogun.

“Alright listen up kids! I am going to teach you another form of street racing, Touge Racing. The good news is that it is similar to rallying, so most of the skills are being kept. However, you are needed to memorize the course of the road. Which means no co-drivers, I repeat no co-drivers!”

They are all a bit disappointed to hear that, half of them are concerned that they are unable to know where to go during a race, while half of them have to just sit and watch.

“The good thing is I have contacted people I know from the street racing scene and she has agreed to have a race right here. Exactly at Mount Haruna. It is quite hard just to meet her. I even have to mention that Tommi beat me last time in order for her to even care.”

“So just run up and down the mountain road for a while, memorize as much as you can. Then we try to go on a full run one by one. I will be sitting beside you just to time you. And we will discuss it afterwards, OK? Now go! Also, co-drivers, it's best for you to stay behind.”

Then they all ran up and down the road at 50% of their normal speeds, just to try and memorize every corner and detail.

After that Lancer then stopped all of them and the full run began.

"Alright Seb, you go first."

Lancer hopped onto the Citroen and they went, after several minutes they are back where they started.

"Quite a bit disappointing but considering that this is your first time, it's quite good actually."

"Tommi!" She then blushed for a second. "Your next!"

She hopped into the Ford and off they went and came back after a few minutes.

"Pretty good so far, your time does compare to the best ones in the street scene. But improvements have to be made if you wish to beat her."

"Nekomi you're last, quick lets go!"

She hopped into his Fabia and left, then after she came back with the results, she couldn't believe what she just saw. And asked, “Nekomi, have you been street racing before?”

The others are confused as to what had happened to Nekomi.

“You are literally 2 seconds behind the course record held by the Mountain Shogun, you have definitely had touge experience before. Do not lie to me, have you been street racing before?”

Nekomi then shook his head, refusing to believe it.

“Alright, things might have just gone wrong with my stopwatch. Let's try again.”

They went again and came back with similar results.

“How is this possible you must be lying! Mason, has he been to street racing before?”

Mason replied, “Nope, but that’s why he is the tarmac specialist.”

“Alright look, now we continue.” Lancer then said, “So you guys are still slower than her, but that's ok, we can use strategies. So basically, try and get ahead of her at first and try to use the tight roads to your advantage. Just try and defend and hopefully you will win. Also, do not go downhill, she is best at that. Go uphill if you can.”

They all got the message, understood what to do and they all continued practice for the entire night.

“Well we call it a day, overall, you guys are getting close to her but still somewhat slow compared to what she can do. This Friday, we ride at dusk.”

Next Friday, they all headed up to the mountains. People filled in sections of the road, knowing that the Mountain Shogun would appear. They are all still waiting for someone to come. Until someone screams, “The Mountain Shogun is here!”

Then a 2-door blue Impreza came and crowds started cheering.

“What exactly is that thing? I thought those Subaru’s only come in 4-doors.” Mason asked Nekomi.

“It's a 22B, homologation special. Only 424 of them were made.” Nekomi then said. “Its the best Subaru there is.”

The blue car parked opposite to the side of them. And someone came over and said, “Hey I am so glad to see this race today, can’t believe this race team beat DQ, and it's an honor to meet you all. I am here to represent the Shogun, and she wanted to ask how the race should be held.”

“Just the usual duel, one picks the order and the other picks the elevation. Whoever crosses the finish line first wins.” Lancer then said.

“Oh I can’t believe the legendary DQ is here as well. It’s an honor to meet you as well. Also, she wanted to let the slowest to race first, you know the best for last, am I right?”

“We will try to do so accordingly.” Lancer then turned her back and said, “Hey Seb you go first.”

“You got it.” Seb said as he hopped into the chubby looking Citroen ready to race.

Several minutes later, the Mountain Shogun swept the floor with the competition. Even though they are going uphill and Seb starting first. He lost by more than 10 seconds. He then came up to the rest running out of breath.

“So, how's the road going?” Nekomi asked.

“Imagine Monte Carlo without the ice, but with the speeds of Spain.” Seb said.

Monte Carlo is famous for being technical and twisty while Spain is famous for being fast. Now if that is what it is, then it will be a really fun and hard track to do, both Tommi and Nekomi were frightened.

“Hey sweetie, Ahem! I mean Tommi, you're next!” Lancer said.

Another couple of minutes had passed, Tommi almost held it off until the end where he got overtaken and lost by a second.

“Hey so what do you think of the race?” Mason asked Nekomi

“I have no idea, but the car seems to have a mysterious aura surrounding it. I can somehow feel it, my answers may lie behind this car.” Nekomi replied

“Are you sure though? Well I guess it is what it is.”

Lancer let out a huge sigh and said, “Hey Nekomi, I wished that we would never be able to use you tonight but, good luck, the entire team lies on your hands now, don’t mess it up.”

Nekomi then went up the starting line with his own Fabia, then he met the Mountain Shogun. She is a blue haired lady with a ponytail wearing a blue jacket with shorts.

“Finally, the best for last, let's see… what do we get here…That’s strange… you seem… familiar.” The Mountain Shogun said.

“Well it's Deja Vu I guess? Cause I do feel the same here.” Nekomi then replied

“So what’s your name?”


“So Nekomi, what do you pick?”

Nekomi thought for a moment and decided to say, “Starting position, from the back please.”

Now everyone is in shock by what he picks.

“Does he know what he is going up against? Starting from the front is better, is he crazy?” Someone in the crowd said.

“Also may I ask, can we go downhill as well?”

The crowd went silent as they couldn't believe what he just said.

“Trying to beat the Shogun, in her own turf?” Someone in the crowd then said.

“What are you doing? That’s not even part of the plan!” Lancer then yelled.

“Interesting indeed,” The Shogun said, “I originally wanted to let you have the advantage to go uphill but if you insist, we’ll do exactly that. But may I ask why tho? You are the first one who challenged me with such a request.”

“Well ever since I saw your car…” Nekomi explained, “I knew there was something special, not about the power or the sound, but it feels oddly familiar. And I feel like you have the answers that I wanted to ask. So may I be your first to do so.”

“Well, I hope you don’t regret it afterwards. Good luck and have fun.”

“Same to you two.” said Nekomi as they both entered their own car.

“Oh no this is not going to end well…” Lancer said as she held her hands on her face. “This is going to be a massacre.”