University Of Harvard- 4 Years Ago

¶ Shereen Hart¶

The alarm rings somewhere in the bed, Shereen wakes up searching for it and when she finds her cell phone she turns it off.

It was a long Friday night for 3 of the girls.

They were all dead drunk and did not remember how they reached home. She did not want to wake up yet and wanted to go back to sleep but Shereen knew it was impossible because they have lectures today.

Groaning and clutching her head she stays awake for some minutes and starts thinking about the stranger she met at the club and how she felt a sudden jolt of feelings on her body, how her body responded to that stranger's touch.

And how she became wet and hot with needs, she never felt anything like this before because she has never been so close to any men.

Even now when she is thinking about all this, she feels herself getting wet and slick.

Her body started burning with need again. She wanted to kiss those pink irresistible lips and wanted to feel that stranger's hand, lips moving and kissing, licking all over her body and his dick in her virgin pussy.

She wanted to submit herself to him.

Suddenly her hand moved to her mutt and started playing with it. She was feeling so good imagining him and ahhh moan escaped from her mouth.

As a sudden realization hit her, she opened her eyes and realised what she had been doing and moved her hand away from her pussy.

Slapping herself on the face she told herself to gain control, she was surprised at what she was doing cause this is the first time she did anything dirty like this.

It was the first time she ever felt like this and she is getting confused as to what was happening to her.

Her mind was all jumbled, so many thoughts were running through her mind but she also did not know if she was ever going to meet that stranger again or not.

Uhh..mentally slapping herself she told herself "what am I even thinking and why am I thinking about this"

rolling her eyes, she decided to wake up and get herself fresh by doing her usual morning routine.

After taking a shower she dressed in blue sexy ripped jeans and Zara fitted semi-sheer collared blouse with long sleeves along with cuffs and a button-up front.

As usual, she was looking hot and sexy.

Looking thoroughly at herself and her simple make-up in the mirror, she was satisfied with her looks and left the room.

While venturing to her friend's room Shereen mumbled to herself "Saturday was supposed to be a day to rest and relax but no our beloved university had to have lectures today”. She was frustrated thinking this.

She went to Nia and Mary's room to wake them up.

Upon reaching Nia's room she halted to open the door but what she saw made her amused, Nia's bed was empty.

She was sure all 3 of them got home then where could her stupid friend be.

Thinking that she went to Mary's room and opened the door, there she saw 2 girls cuddling each other and was in deep sleep.

She knew she wouldn't be able to wake them up easily so she brought some water from the bathroom and threw it upon them.

Shereen is evil right!

Both girls got startled and woke up shouting and cursing at Shereen. As for Shereen, she was enjoying the torture she gave to her friends and was laughing hard.

Laughing and smirking, she told her friends a lie that she tried to wake them up but they were not moving so this was the only way she could think of waking them up but the truth was she wanted to torment her friends.

Cause there were several times when the two had done the same thing to Shereen, so it's a payback time bitches.

Suddenly all 3 of them started laughing hard together and both the girls forgot what Shereen did to them because they understood why Shereen did what she did.

They knew it was a due payback!

Shereen hugged and kissed her friends good morning and told them to get ready for lectures that they have to attend today.

Shereen told her friends that she was going to make breakfast and left the room.

She made some bacon, eggs, toasted bread and some croissants, a simple breakfast which will keep them full for half a day.

After the girls ate their breakfast they left home to go to the university.

It was a short walk from their apartment to their university. While walking two of the girls were teasing Shereen about last night and how she was mesmerised by the hot stranger.

And how both of them were so lost in each other.

Shereen felt herself blush and flustered, her cheeks were becoming cherry red and mouth dry thinking that the girls had been watching her and the stranger.

Here she thought she was saved because she thought both the girls did not even know about what had happened inside the club.

They were both laughing at their flustered expression of Shereen. They both knew it was her first time being so close to a guy and was delighted to see their friend finally getting attracted to some guy.

In the past, they both tried hard to make Shereen go on dates but they were not successful and now they are glad that finally there is some guy who can attract their friend as a magnet.

Both the girls wanted to see Shereen dating a guy. They just wish that she met him again cause they were also not sure if they will meet the guy again or not.

Entering the University, they noticed a group of girls flocking and eye raping a guy, they could not see his face as the guy's back was facing them.

Being famous and well known among the boys in the university, soon the attention turned towards the 3 girls but they walked without a care in the world lost in their conversation.

On the other side, the stranger turned to see where his friends and all the other boys were looking with so much lust and amusement and girls with so much envy.

What he saw made him so shocked, it was none other than the girl and her friends, he was attracted to at the club.

Smirking and smiling he thought destiny is with him and luckily for him, he did not have to search the whole city for his beautiful angel.

While talking with some other friends from the university, suddenly Shereen felt someone watching her. She turned her head to see and what she saw made her jaw slack and she kept on opening and closing her mouth like a fish.

She was astounded at what she saw or whom she saw. She felt like she was going to faint, how can it be so coincidence or was she only hallucinating, she rubbed her eyes but she still saw him.

A chill went through her body, she felt an unspeakable sensation all over her body. Her heart was pumping so fast that it felt like it was going to come out of her body.

Her mouth was dry and needing to hold herself she clutched Mary's hand so hard that she yelped and shouted at Shereen saying that "you are hurting me babe" but when she looked at the condition of her friend she instantly got worried and asked her what's wrong.

Upon asking Shereen finally found her voice and told her friends that he was there, the same hot stranger was here at the university and he was looking at her.