Hottest Trends and Gossips

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Harvard university is in uproar regarding the two hot dating one is the "Campus Belle- the dream girl" for many guys and the other is the "heart throb" of many girls.

Gossips had been spreading across the uni about Shereen and Aiden's flirting and dating like a fire.

They have become the hottest topic among all the students and have been trending on the campus faculty online forum.

Number of pictures of them holding hands, hugging, kissing have been published on the Harvard University News website and forum.

It was not hidden that they were into each other but their relationship was yet to be disclosed and it was just only a matter of time when they would announce their relationship.

Many guy's and girl's hearts were broken because of them.

Shereen is the dream girl of many boys and Aiden is the dream man of many girls but all of their hopes and dreams break seeing them together.

Shereen being the beauty, previously there were rumors that many men and boy's had approached Shereen but she had rejected all of them gracefully which led them to their biggest heart break.

There were so many questions why she was not an easy going person or approachable to men?

What was the reason behind her tightness?

Was she just pretending to be a good girl?

Many girls said that she was a fake bitch and only pretended to be a naive, innocent girl but was she really like this? like what was stated in her previous college forum.

Shereen had always been on the top list of her it on extra curricular activities or be it on studies. It's no doubt that she is and was very hard working in her college days.

There were also comments that those girls who called Shereen a fake bitch were actual bitch who did not stop bullying their fellow students and always wanted to be in the spotlight.

Shereen's haters were also called gold diggers, boyfriend snatchers and a slut.

It was written on the previous college forum comments that Shereen had always been a kind girl who helps her friends and fellow students without giving a second.

Some of them called her an Angel because of her kind nature plus she was really friendly towards every student of every faculty.

Wow! This information was just too much to digest.

Is she really the kind of woman that has been mentioned on the previous college forum or is she really a fake bitch like her haters say!

Hmmm what juicy gossip we have here if you think I would say something like this then you are wrong.

Hey! Common people it's their life who are we to judge them.

Everyone was curious about the change on Shereen now.

How and why? So many questions were going through students' minds and a lot of questions were also being thrown at the forum websites.

Now what makes Aiden so special that Shereen fell in love with him since she had denied all the men previously?

How come she is so easygoing and approachable to Aiden only?

And as for the other guys she is still unapproachable.

But from the looks of their first meeting at the university, it seems that they have known each other from before!

Was it even possible that they know each other before coming to Harvard?

Hmm! Good questions guys but we will know later if they ever disclose their private information.

But as for me I believe in reality and observations rather than reading or listening to some shitty online gossip.

From the first day of the University I saw and met Shereen, she had left a very deep impression on me.

The way she spoke was so polite and graceful it was like music to my ears.

She is naive and innocent like people say but she is also a tough cookie.

She does not like injustice and bullying, she knows how to fight for herself.

I heard from somewhere that her family has taught her well and even they are very righteous and good people.

I have also heard that even though her father Alexander Hart and her mother Sophie are rich and famous, they are actually very kind hearted and are respected widely by people.

So you see children learn from their parents and it's the parents responsibility to teach their children well.

And I guess it was the same for Shereen as well.

Some people also think she is just too perfect, you know but who knows maybe she also has her difficulties and also has some flaws which she is very good at hiding.

I still remember our first encounter. I was in trouble with some famous bitches of Harvard University when I first arrived here but it was Shereen and her friends Mary and Nia who helped me fight back with them.

Since then I have a deep respect for them and also they welcomed me as their new friend with an open arm for which I'm very delighted.

But you see not every person can like you right if you have people who love you then certainly you will also have people who despise you.

Personally I believe Shereen is a nice girl and good friend and let me tell you she is definitely not like what her haters portray her to be.

And I'm glad that we are friends now!

Talking about Aiden Knight, the girl's immediate thought would be Adonis- Greek God landed on the earth well he is handsome; the most handsome man I have seen till now.

The son of Adrian Knight and Hayden Knight also known as the famous Casanova. It is said in the form that he used to be a good guy, he was not a playboy before but nobody knows what changed and the good boy turned into a big time casanova.

It's written that he changed girls like he changed his clothes everyday and disregarded them as soon as he was done with playing.

Girls would throw themselves into him and he would catch it with much enthusiasm.

Even his best friend's don't know the reason behind his change so it's a mystery to everyone.

One of his friends had a hunch that while travelling he fell in love with some girl and in the process broke his heart but he was not sure about it.

Okay it's all bullshit written about Aiden in his previous college news which I don't want to delve into much.

Back to Aiden and Shereen now, I just don't understand how Shereen fell for a Casanova. Everyone is surprised and as for Aiden it's like he is a changed man in one night.

They showed their PDA was just too much among the boys and girls to envy.

Even though they are together now boys and girls did not stop from trying their luck but none worked. It's like Aiden and Shereen had a deep trust and they were inseparable.

As being their friend I just wish Shereen does not get her heart broken.

Well as for me..let me introduce myself I'm Shanaya Seth.

With black eyes, raven hair, fair skin and slim body structure, I'm known as the nerdy girl and the reporter of Harvard University.

Until next time...Chao