
Ever since Mr. Napolian left for his next class almost all students piled around me, burying me even further with their questions. They only dispersed when the teacher for Crypto Zoology called out to everyone. If not for her, I would’ve suffocated both mentally and physically.



We were in the great big hall outside our classroom. Sophie and I met Gwen almost as we got out of class.


Gwen literally jumped onto me as if she were a mother who was thrilled to see her son come back home alive from war. She scanned my whole body and face. She sighed satisfyingly, knowing I was doing better than what she’d expected. Apparently, she’d been waiting for us with Lilly tagging right beside her, with arms crossed.

On her badge the word alpha was written.

“C’mon it was just four periods!”, Lilly exclaimed, coming towards us

“You two seem very close”, added Sophie.

Gwen was now hugging me like I was her hug toy or something.

“Gwen’s a bit… overprotective.”, I replied.

Sophie tilted her head.

“I’m fine, I’m fine. Now get off of me would you?” I said nudging Gwen who was glued to me.

“If we get late, we won’t have any seats left”, said Lilly.

“Ah, that’s right. Let’s hurry u-” Sophie stopped mid-sentence as her stomach began growling really loud. “Oh no, I’m hungry!” Sophie rubbed her belly, suddenly looking like all her strength had left her body.

“Ok, that’s enough now Gwen. I think she’s not hurt anymore!” Lilly, forcing a smile, grabbed on to Gwen to help me get her off. She finally unlatched, puffed, and soon the three of us were walking towards the cafeteria.




“It’s huuuuuuge…”, exclaimed Sophie as she widely eyed the open space.

The cafeteria was towards the end of the hallway. It felt more like a five star restaurant than a school cafeteria. **How much did it cost to build this I wonder?** It reminded me of the cafeteria we had in middle school back in Elvendom (Kingdom Of Elves). Only it wasn’t this big and fancy. Memories of my friends and I having some freshly made salad while chatting about fairies and spiritual energy came to my mind. **Oh, those were the days. I wonder what my friends are doing right now… **

Compared to there, here everyone just chatted about their relationships or had their eyes glued on these ‘mobile phones’. **Oh right, my phone**. I had left it back at the dorm. **Well, not like I need it anyway.**

“The two of us are eating from the buffet. What about you two?”, asked Lilly.

“I think I’ll just have a bun”, I said pointing my thumb at the vast collection of buns on display behind the glass container. **Why so much buns?**

“Would that be enough? That’s barely a meal” Lisa said.

“More than… I’m a light eater.”

“Okay then. What about you?”, She looked at Gwen.

“I-I’ll get the same.”

“Come on Gwen. You know that I know that that isn’t enough for you”, I said.

“No! That’s enough…”

“It’s alright. Go eat from the buffet with them.”

“Is it really ok?”, she asked nervously.

I knew it. This wasn’t enough for her. Gwen amidst her size was a voracious eater after all.

“It’s okay”, I gently replied.

“Annaaa, catch us a table will you?” Sophie said, already going towards the buffet area.

I gave a thumbs up and instantly began my mission to search for a place to have our lunch.




I bought a veggie bun with a fruit drink. And was now sitting at the table I flagged down, which stood almost near to the middle of the dining space. The girls were still stuck in the buffet queue. **Note to self: Angels prefer things very complicated. Even their food.**

I crossed my legs and relaxed into the seat to devour the goods in my hand. As I brought the unwrapped bun right next to my mouth I felt a sudden uneasiness that went right through my spine.

I felt many gazes upon me. And a presence of someone right behind me. I tried to focus on my meal, slowly biting into the bun.

“Pardon me Miss. Anna”, a husky, low voice spoke next to my right ear, with a hand being put on the opposite side of my shoulder.


I almost choked on the bun as I held my chest.

“Here, here, take this.” That ‘someone’ proceeded to hand me my juice from table.

I snatched it quickly, letting a sip wash down my mouth. Then I gently turned towards this person behind me.

“Thank you…” I said, tugging a strand of hair behind my ear as I took another sip.

“It’s ok, Anna”, said the person in a familiar voice.

**Wait a minute! **

I looked up. Oh no…

It was none other than the one person I’ve been wanting to avoid ever since school started.


I spat out the drink in my mouth out of sheer surprise, right onto Gabriel Westwoolf’s face.


Realizing what I unconsciously did, I quickly covered my mouth. The blush of shame was painting my face bright red.

“President!!” Someone screamed from behind him.




“S-sorry”, I said looking down, not wanting to face the President. Hand on my mouth, I was out of embarrassment as red as a tomato. **What did I do! What did I do! What did I do!!**

He nonchalantly sat beside me, making me even more uncomfortable. He wiped his face with a handkerchief that was lent by another senior who seemed to be with him.

She looked to be a member of the Student Council. They both had a similar badging on their blazer collars. Her face was giving me a really and angry look.

“How dare you spit on our President’s face! This is unforgivable!” she began to blame me.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” I could only keep bowing my head.

“Gosh you-”

“That’s enough picking on your junior, Rosarria.” Gabriel raised his hand to the girl.

“But President! She-”

“It was just a mistake. You may have your meal and see to your Student Council activities. I’ll see you in the Council room soon.” He lowered his hand. And so did the girl with her attitude.

“As you wish President.” Even though she hesitated for a brief second, she only settled to shoot daggers towards me with her eyes and disappeared into the crowd.

Gabriel turned to me again.

**Where are those three?! What’s taking them so long?!**

“My apologies. She’s a bit sensitive.”

“Ah no, I’ m the one who should apologize.”

I felt the number of gazes on me drastically increase.

“Ok, that’s enough. It’s starting to get annoying.”

“S- …”, I shut my mouth before I uttered the hundredth ‘sorry’ for probably the rest of the day.

I still kept looking down, and along went a brief moment of silence. It made the tension in the room worse.

“Um so, what made you come here?” I finally asked, also mastering up my courage to look at Gabriel.

He was straight up staring at me.

With his right arm placed on the desk to support his face resting on his palm.

“Nothing special, was just checking whether my fellow comrades were doing well.” The whole time he grinned eye to eye.


Using my sense of hearing, I tried to hear what the crowd was chattering silently about. It seemed the students were enraged by the fact that the President was sitting so close to me. And out of them, the majority happened to be girls. **So our Student Council President is a total lady charmer. I do agree. He kind of looks *ahem*… good.**

Still, this was bad. Either I had to tell him to move or I had to find another place. Who knows what would have happened if Gwen saw him.

“I’m doing fine president Gabriel. Now then if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a bun to eat. You may check on other students as well.” He didn’t even move an inch.

**Good one Anna! I should get an award for how stupid I made that sound. I thought it would work. What should I do? I can’t find any other place amongst this crowd and attention.**

“Good to hear you’re doing fine.” He relaxed back on to his seat.

“So how’s it been being surrounded by us angels all day?”

**Looks like he isn’t going anywhere…**

“I’m getting used to it. So far no one’s bothered me… yet” ** If anyone’s it’s you right now**. “Also, I’m sort of angel too. You know?”, I added, nibbling a bite off my bun.

“I almost forgot that”, he said slyly, as if he already knew the fact that I was half angel.

“Mhmm”, I took another bite out of my bun. “Not to be rude, but I would like to have my meal in peace. Without the unnecessary attention”, I said faking a smile, simultaneously pointing towards him and everyone around us with my eyes.

“Oh, don’t mind me. Please enjoy your bun.” **Is he so clue less or does he just not care**. “So how’s the dorm room?”

“It’s… nice.”

“Are you trying to avoid me?” he spat boldly. And I almost spat the food in my mouth.

“What me?! No I’m not”, I said after managing to-not-choke.

“I beg to differ from the way you said so.”

**You noticed? Then leave!**

“Does it?”

“Yes.” He looked as if he was remembering something. “Wait a moment. Is this about yesterday?”

I made no comment. I believed he would take the hint.

“About that… I promise won’t happen again. I’m sorry”, he said lightly scratching the back of his head, now looking a bit embarrassed.

“It’s okay.” **Not that you can do anything about it now.**

“Ok then. See you later” Gabriel quickly got up from the table

**Sigh, finally… What happened to the whole ‘intimidating approach of his, by the way?**

Just as he got ready to leave he stopped half way.

“Do you happen to be-”

“The hell ya doing here?! Anna, did he do anything weird?!”

A loud voice came from behind me. **Oh no**. It was Gwen. I could tell she was in complete rampage mode, with the way she looked like a bloodhound who was about to pounce on a burglar. But her petite and cute look gave off a different impression. Sophie and Lilly were behind her, and were now placing their plates on the table. “Gwen! Be a bit more descent. That’s the Student Council President.”

I could hear Lilly aggressively whispering to Gwen.

“Who’s this little kid? Your familiar?” asked Gabriel blankly, pointing at Gwen.

**You should’ve kept your mouth shut.**

“What?!! You f@#$%&!! Who the f@#$ are you calling a kid huh?! Huh!!!”

She was going all out now.

Lilly held from Gwen's collar, as she tried to get her hands on Gabriel. Thank goodness she didn’t use her elemental powers. It would have ended up a disaster otherwise.

Fortunately Gabriel didn’t seem to be fazed.

“Some interesting friends you've got.” He grinned “I’ll be leaving, Anna. See you around.”, He gestured his hand as if waving bye and disappeared into the crowd.

“What was that…?”

“I don’t know mys- Sophie why are you blushing?!”