Heinrich Hyacinth Comes To Visit

It was after noon.

Harriet's arms that were holding onto the headboard were shaking, and so were her thighs and knees that were resting on the bed.

“Milord, I beg you–”

"Just a little more, Madam," whispered Liam who was still pounding her waist, thrusting from behind.

“You have… said that… five times alread–aah–angh–”

“Uhm–” Liam finished and spilled the remnants of his seed inside. "Hm-"

"Oh..." it was warm. This was the last warmth Liam gave her today.

Liam lifted her up, giving her a soft kiss from the side.

"Done?" asked Harriet weakly.

"Done," Liam kissed her cheek again, laying her on the bed. At the same time, Harriet was writhing and her legs felt limp, soft shivers running down her body.

The man caught his breath and stood up, intending to get a towel. He thought that his aching body this morning would stop him from torturing his wife's body, but oh how wrong he was. And now he felt surprisingly refreshed.