The Masquerade Party

After hearing the man behind the thin screen laughing jovially at the evidence he presented, Ezekiel felt his goosebumps and fears increase.

Crazy man!

What man could laugh out loud at his wife's infidelity? Was he not only old, dying and had a very bad character, but was he also insane? Maybe because he was a dying old monster, it made him have a bad temper and crippling madness. Ezekiel felt a chill run down his spine.

But if this was the type of man Harriet married, Ezekiel felt a little relieved. Harriet must have hated him so much and she couldn't wait to leave him. With a little push, maybe they could split up, and even if they didn't, Ezekiel could still win in Harriet's eyes when compared to this man.

"The secret lover and the man my wife really loves, huh?" Liam Almandine asked in a cold voice that somehow sounded livelier than usual. Then Ezekiel heard Liam speak in a mocking mumbled voice, "Interesting. I'll tell her this when she gets home."