Cat and Mouse Game (2)


Heinrich and Ezra turned in the direction the voice came from, and the two quickly stared at each other's eyes. Heinrich saw Ezra's empty black eyes widen in panic, and he could feel her hand gripping his sleeve.

Heinrich looked at her questioningly, but he then understood that Ezra was being chased by Ezekiel. After thinking for a split second, Heinrich made a risky decision.


Hundreds of black ravens covered the bodies of the two who were still hugging and formed a small dome around them.

And when Ezekiel reached the turn of the hall, he only saw… a black feather that remained where they had just stood.

Seeing that no one was there, Ezekiel continued to run while increasing his five senses with to search for Ezra's whereabouts.

Little did he know that Heinrich had carried Ezra far in the sky on a platform made by his black ravens.