Was It All Worth It?

Ezra finally finished eating the pasta she ordered and sighed in a satisfied voice. She felt full, and her body felt so comfortable. On her right and left, two princes from two different continents had also just finished eating their meal.

"Hey, aren't the three of us in the same situation?" asked Ezra cheerfully.

Her voice which was as light as the wind made the two princes with a calm nature stare at her relaxedly. Heinrich smiled with a warm attitude. “What do you mean, Your Highness?”

Ezra leaned her body towards Heinrich and smiled broadly. “You secretly love Madam Harriet Goldlane because she is the reincarnation of Cynthia Delaroche.”

Heinrich cleared his throat softly. A blush appeared on his face. "Do not say that, I'm afraid of tarnishing her reputation. I gave up after learning that she is happily married to Lord Liam Almandine.”

"We are the same! We have given up chasing the people we love, but we still love them,” said Ezra proudly.