
Sir Marcus ran down the palace hall. Everyone who was going to greet him gave up their intention after seeing how in a hurry the man was as he carried a letter in his hand.

He ran to the Emperor's office and quickly knocked on the door.

“I am Marcus Citrine, reporting to the Emperor!”

Without waiting for an answer from inside the room, he opened the door. He looked relieved that Ezekiel was also in the room with the Emperor.

“Your Majesty, Your Highness,” he saw the father and son turn to him as soon as he entered. "Dame Padparadscha sent a letter from the east that she had found clues to where the Diamond siblings were hiding."

Quickly, Ezekiel stood up. "Where is it? I'm leaving right now."

"They said they saw a giant wyvern headed for the Spinel Mountains, Your Highness," Marcus replied.

Ezekiel nodded quickly. “You come with me,” he said to his trusted aide. "Bring your armour and weapons."

“Yes, Your Highness!”