Alameida's Apology

The arrival of the Old Duke and Duchess that day really caused a commotion and was very conspicuous, but things were quickly resolved without any problems.

Luckily the neighbours around Gold's residence could not really hear what the fuss was all about that day considering their respective residences were not too nearby. Though of course, everything still caught people's attention and created gossip.

"All of that was unpredictable, so please don't look at me with such guilty eyes, Your Grace," said Harriet in a warm voice. She was sitting at the dining table with the Old Duke who still seemed to be in a bad mood.

"You know that's not what makes me angry, my child," said the Old Duke.

Harriet smiled warmly. “When I heard what happened to the orphans and underprivileged people in this city… I felt exactly the same way.”

The inability to prevent the problems, and to clearly experience the harsh reality that she was only human. A human who would never be able to do everything.