First Try **

Harriet felt hot. Her finger probed her own clit and stroked it hard as Liam came into view. The man... was too much. How could he leave her alone here when she was already like this? Did he know how torturing it was to be left alone in this state?

The heat rushed into her head, and it forced her to touch herself even more. She put her finger inside. One finger, and then two... but it was not enough.

Slick squelch squelch


But then, the man walked closer, and she saw it. Something standing tall there with his impressive girth. Was it always that big? Was it always... that scary...?

"I'm scared..."

The man blinked at her, responding to her words, "You're scared now? I told you..."

Harriet shook her head. She explained, "I'm scared of that."

That was when Liam turned his head below and saw his own little brother. His jaw fell open, but it immediately closed, shocked by his own size.

"Holy fuck."

Harriet now understood. He had become bigger.