
"Madam, why did you not tell the Princess about Crown Prince Hyacinth?" Daniel asked.

The moment he finished his sentence, Harriet looked into her mirror and saw herself wearing her silver armor. The breastplate was engraved with the image of a wolf on a rose-gold plate.

The long-sleeved tunic was decorated with a red ribbon embroidered alongside Almandine jewels.

36 hours after the portal opened on that beach, Heinrich's Ravens fell from the sky. That unknowingly gave Harriet a heart attack, and she almost collapsed.

She didn't know why, but she was crushed by the revelation that Heinrich might be already...

"I heard from the Duke that Heinrich Hyacinth swallowed a philosopher's stone to become an Archmage... I think it's unnecessary to cause Her Highness to worry," Harriet said.

Her face was stern and focused. She walked out of the room and to the castle's front door. There, Russel, in his wolf form, was waiting for her.