Side Story: The Villain

"She passed away?"

Harriet gasped as she sat on her bed. Her hand that was holding her phone trembled. "Oh my God... rest in peace..."

"Rest in peace..." Miriam's voice from the other side of the phone call whispered back. "And Sister, I couldn't find her family's phone number, but I found her social media. I will send it to you."

"Thank you, Miriam... Oh, dear..."

After she hung up, Harriet clicked the link to the girl's social media from Miriam. She scrolled down the page to find lots and lots of Cecilia's selfies.

When she came home, she had succeeded in telling herself not to worry too much. Turned out that the girl had passed away, and it completely ruined her day.

Harriet frowned. She knew there was nothing she could do. Accidents happen all the time, and today... it was just Cecilia's turn.

As she tried to find her family's social media to send the book back to them, she found a couple of strange comments under the girl's picture.