Side Story: Coincidence

"You're not our Dad."

Liam froze.

The twins in front of him violently shook off his attempt to touch them.

"I guess I am not," Liam said softly. He was really not. He didn't even know of their existence until today, and it also shook him to his very core.

But his answer made both twins widen their eyes.

"I will help you search for your parents because I really am not sure how to handle this problem."

The twins immediately sensed danger as they saw the complicated emotion this long blonde-haired man exuded. They immediately backed up a few steps.

"Now, Liam," Ezra walked in between the twins and him. She hid them behind her body. "Go home and cool your head. I will notify you after I get the chance to speak with their mother."

"Their mother... you mean Lady Goldlane?" Liam asked calmly. His complexion darkened.

"Who else?" Ezra smiled. "For now, I will try to talk with the twins and take care of them. Don't you worry."

"Thank you."