Chapter 30.1 "Five Beasts Around the Lamb"

It was still early evening.

Inside the boarding house, Terban was standing near the entrance of the boarding house. He was leaning on the door sill while checking his wristwatch from time to time.

Kyle was sitting on the couch while reading a thick book. But he wasn’t really paying attention to the biology book he was holding. It was only an accessory.

On the other couch, Vincent and Chaylen were sitting next to each other. Vincent was holding a guitar, while Chaylen was listening to him.

When Vincent finished playing, Chaylen gave him two thumbs up.

“You play so well,” Chaylen praised Vincent for playing guitar. “Can you play ‘I can tell by your eyes that you’ve probably crying forever’?”

“Idiot. The right title is ‘I Don’t Wanna Talk About It’,” Vincent corrected.

Chaylen waved his hand and said, “Let’s not talk about the right title. As long as you get it. So, can you play it?” He even blinked his eyes, imitating a puppy.