
I ran and ran fast to save myself from that horrible old lady and her granddaughter. After 10 minutes, I stop and look everywhere but did not know where I was. There was a broken jeep within 5 feet distance of mine and everywhere all the houses were destroyed and burned buildings were also. I just look at every side to keep in mind that what this place is and where I am, because it looks like I came here. It is that place which is known to me but not remind in my mind.





Then again, the whole view and area changed, it became a wonderful place. The beautiful houses, all the houses covered with beautiful flowers, vines like roses and many perennial vines. All were of different colors: purple, white, pink and red and a lot of flowers on them. All the buildings also had great painting on them. There was a garden with flowers and a lot of greenery. Children were play there. They laughed and enjoy playing with the ball. I just look at them and get lost in my thoughts by saw children and remember how was my brother and I play with my mom and dad. And suddenly a heavy voice was heard by me:

"You still stand here. I told you I wanted to tell you everything about our parents' murder and I have something to show you."

"Yeah, I remember. I was just waited fo you and then forgot about you. I remembered those days when our parents were with us and we all played together."

I told while walking with him.

"I also miss those days. But now I have something unbelievable to show you."

"Yeah, why not? I am curious to see that."

After a few steps, we reached a place where our jeep stands and my brother said:

"This is our jeep. When our parents were killed, they are in it and driving this. And you see that the blood in it is not like in the direction which it should be because it fall down the hill but the spots are not like they fall from the hill. When they fall and the jeep becomes out of control, then the blood should be on the mirror and steering but it was on the seat where they had a neck. It is a little complex to understand how this blood is just on the upper side of the seat."

My brother showed me by pointing at it and also told me about. Now, hearing David say, I am also in doubt that our parents did not die in an accident but they were murdered by someone and we do not know who it was. But by clues, it is clear that it was not human, because if it would be a human, then he would be kill them by bullet or by dagger or by knife, but it did not look like that. He continued speaking:

" And here's from mom's side. The blood is on the whole seat and you can clearly see that both of the seats are cracked and like they are claws of an animal like a wolf but is it also not like that, I don't recognize whom that was? But I will find out soon. And I also want to show you something else."

David still continues to tell me and show me all those things which are horrible and are the clues that our parents were killed or murdered by somebody like animals or humans we still do not know. And now I'm curious to know who killed them and why did that, whenever I found it, I will kill him with my own hand.

" Now here, on the outside of the door and in the front of the mirror, you can clearly see that it is not the scratch of a hill accident but it was the paw of an animal. But I'm curious who that type of animal is, because I don't think that any animal must be so huge as these symbols of the paw? There are many questions here. But when I show you another strange thing, then you will be in more puzzle."

Now, we moved on the backside of the jeep and saw that a dent was there and it looked like a heavy man had jumped on it. But there are a lot of questions about how this is possible.

David showed me everything and now I am a little near to catching the reality and clearly understood that it was not an accident but they were killed by some animals and became their dinner. Or they were killed by someone else. Someone who has some hostility towards parents, and parents were hide that from us.

But who knows the right? In everything there is a question and no answer. If we want to find those animals or humans, we have first go to that place where the accident occurred and then we'll search there for a distance. I think I have to share this with David:

" David! My idea is that we have to go there and search there. Maybe we will find something, something which can help us and make us know how it happened, and maybe we will be able to find those killers. What do you think about this?"

I just saw that David was furious and it did not look from his anger face that he just find out those killers but he was thnking about to kill them and kill everybody and will destroy everything.

He was continuously rubbing his beard with the index finger of his right hand, which showed that he was thinking something. And the anger on his face clearly appeared because of his wriggle on the forehead. David is not like other men, he is different from others and why not? After all, he is my brother. He is a brave and hard man.

His eyes are so attractive that any girl starts loving him, but he never does that and has no response to any girl, because for him and for me, we only love our family and each other. Now, David has come back, and I would never let him go anywhere.

He still gave me no response and went into the long thought. First, I do not like to disturb his thoughts, but ten minutes were spent after my question. So, I told him again to give me a response.

"Hey David! What are you thinking?"

After this question, David looked at me with caring eyes and put his hand onto my head and took a deep breath. Then he responded and started telling me another strange thing by twirling his lips and then he spoke.