Strange Man

Rose went near to him to find out why he was crying by sitting there. When she came near to him she asked him:

" Hey, why are you crying?"

The hair of Rose was still on her face and covered her face. He gave no reply to Rose and continued eating his rice and burger. The smell of the Chinese rice and chicken burger was so amazing and yummy that Rose did not control herself as she had been hungry from many days, she wanted to eat food with him. But she controlled herself and asked him again the cause of weeping and this time Rose touched his shoulder with her hand so that he would notice and said:

"Can you listen me?"

Rose asked him politely but he still gave no response and continued to eat. She became shocked and thought him useless, she leave him alone like he was and go to do his work and started moving towards the jeep. But the smell of food is so pleasing that her mouth started watering and this time she does not control her emotions. She stopped after two steps and moved back and again said to him:

" Can I also eat food? I have been hungry for two days."

He still gave no response and started eating. He sat on the bench in that way that his face hid behind his leg. And he also put his face on the food so much that only his hair was visible. Rose sat on the bench on the other side and turned her head down to see his face. But he hid himself from her. And just moved forward his food to Rose. Rose started eating like an ignoramus and filled her mouth with rice and a burger and said, with filling mouth:

"Thank you, Thank you for this is delicious...uhhh.. uhh...."

Before completing her sentence, she caught a cough and then she kept her hand over her mouth to stop coughing and just to keep the food in her mouth. But her efforts had no use. All of her food had come out and she start cough badly but she found no water. Time passed and her cough did not stop. Then she asked for water from him. He gave her water but, that time he still did not say a word. She drank water and finished the bottle in just two sips. Then she looked at him and took a great breath, then said:

"Thank you."

And again she started eating, but also this time he gave no response and hid his face. After some time, she filled her belly with food and had no desire to remain for food and water. Then she thanked him and started to move towards the jeep to do her work. She just stood on the bench and started to move towards the jeep doing her work, but she became so agitated by his behavior that he still gave no response and also did not see anywhere. Then, she took a step and moved forward.

When she was near to the jeep, she felt that someone was standing behind her and curling her hair into his finger. She became afraid and did not know who he was, but in her thoughts that man appeared who was sitting on the bench. She turned back suddenly to see him but her hair was on the finger of that man, which gave a little pain to the head when she turned. The "ouch" of pain's voice came from her mouth and then he left her hair. His eyes are pure red like a blood color and his skin is so cold like ice. She became panicky when she saw his bloody red eyes. He was much closer to her and she clearly saw him in such darkness.

Then, before she could ask anything, he started to roll his lips and move out his voice by saying:

"I think you remove your hunger and thirst. Am I right?"

He again started to play with her hair. He took her hair on the backside of her ears and then rested his hand onto her cheeks and took the thumb of his hand to her chin. But she gave no response and still stood like a statue and observed his body. When he spoke she could easily see those sharp teeth and now she stood like a statue because of fear. That man pressed her cheeks with his fingers so tight that it made it hurt for her and, with his thumb, he down her chin to open her mouth and make her to speak.

"I have asked something."

He said this by pressing both his jaws tightly, which clearly showed that he was in anger. At this time, when she saw the anger on his face and his bloody eyes became more red, so she spoke because she didn't know what to do next, and what he had been doing with her. So, she started speaking and said:

" Yeah."

She just said this politely and wanted to get rid of his hand. And she tried to move back. She pushed his hand with her soft and dirty hands but it had no effect on him. He is as strong as a stone or mountain. Then he started to laugh horribly and make fun of her, then abruptly stopped laughing and looked at Rose and caught her with his hand on the lower side of her chin and put her near to him with his face and said:

"Now, it's my turn. I want to turn off my thirst."

He put Rose near and near him and got Rose up in the air with just his one hand and put it on with the jeep.

She became furious and afraid and knew his bad thinking about what he wanted to do, but still she was unaware of who he had been. She started weeping, closed her eyes and a drop of tear moved out from her eyes and her eyelashes became wet and larger and that drop moved from his cheeks to fall down, but when that drop was on the edge of her cheek and about to drop, that strange man opened his mouth and sticking out his tongue and this drop fell on his tongue and he drank it.

He was so near to Rose that he could hear her sighs and his nose touched her chin and his lips were touching her neck. She suddenly felt something in her hand and then she realized that she had a knife which she had been searching for. Then, she controls herself and tightly grips the knife with her hand and she just pierced the knife into his stomach.