Forgetting the past. The last chapter.

After reading that Jimin went in operating room where Elise was in.

Jimin: Elise open your eyes. Plz I am sorry. I would have also done the same if I was there in your place.

Jimin was shedding tears from his eyes.

Jimin: Elise I am s-sorry y-you are not a burden for me. You are the one who remove burden from my shoulder.

Elise finally gained consciousness and found Jimin crying sitting beside her holding her hand.

Jimin: I love you y/n. I really love you. You are my sister.

Elise: Jimin.

Jimin: Y/n.

Jimin hugged you tight.

Elise: Ahh.

Jimin: Why did you do that?

Elise: What?

Jimin: Why did you tried to kill yourself?.

Elise: I was not having any other option. You started to get tired of me.

Jimin: I am sorry I really am.

Elise: It's okay oppa.

V came in and hugged y/n.

V: Are you okay?

Jimin: Ahem. I am also here.

V: Sorry.

Jimin: Elise let's try to continue our life in new way and let's forget everything that happened and live a life like normal.

Elise: Ok.

They all went home and Elise changed and stopped seeing those terrifying dreams and soon V confessed his feelings to her and Elise said yes to his confessions.