Checking the loot

Ikky arrived in the Village without any problem, Rabbits were keeping their distances, probably because they could feel the difference in the strength caused by level.

Ikky was thinking about where to go first to shop and sell trash loot he received, or some quiet place where he could inspect the better loot he got.

'Where should I go now?' but before he could decide, he noticed as the sky was getting more reddish.

'Wait, how many hours is it?' after checking it's already that late he was really surprised at how many hours were gone.

Even though the time in the game was a bit faster than in reality, it was only about 20% or 30%, yet he spend several hours inside of the game.

Ikky decided to first log-off and eat dinner, so he went to the nearest Inn to rent a room.

There were some possibilities to log out outside of the Inn, but to prevent many flashbacks the user would then fall into a really deep sleep in real-life and it would take him several hours to wake up.

Ikky paid 2 coppers for a room in the nearest Inn and Logged off.


After opening his eyes Ikky slowly sat down on the bed.

'Not bad, I don't feel tired at all, rather kind of refreshing' thought Ikky and stretched out a bit.

"Hey mom, what are we having for dinner?" he asked after coming downstairs.

"You are home? I thought you are outside," said mom surprised.

"Dinner will be in 20 minutes, can you call down your sister?" she asked.

"Mm," Ikky didn't mind going upstairs again.

Later all 3 sat at the dinner table.

"Why is Dad not home yet?" his sister asked.

"They have some important meeting late tonight," said mother.

"it's probably because of the same reason as you two came home earlier. After the release of the game, there were some issues in work." she continued.

Ikky didn't give it any hard thoughts. His father was an SW engineer and they had to stay at work many nights, especially when the contest was close to release.

After dinner, Ikky went up to his room again.

'Should I connect again? Or maybe should I move my body in real life?'

In the end, he rejected the idea of outside running and decided to continue playing.

But before he connected he at least did a short workup of push-ups and other exercises.

After 30 minutes, he finally finished with his exercises. Then he remembered somebody.

'I should let him know that I started playing' Ikky sent a message to his friend Josh that he reached level 5, and when he is online he should write him in-game. Afterward, h lay in bed with the helmet on his head.

"Start ON!"


Ikky woke up in the same room he loge-off.

"Let's first check all the loot I got from the Rare monster!"

-Rank: Rare / Defense: 12 / HP increase: 8 / Agility: 5

-Speed is slightly increased (does not work in combat)

-Requirement: Level: 5 / Agility: 18(20) / Stamina: 5

"Oh, nice! It increases one of the stats! I can finally check what Agility gives me," Ikky cheered on after checking the first item.

"I should have enough stats to equip it, let me see."

[Status window]

-Level: 5 / Rogue

-Strength: +12

-Agility: +15

-Stamina: +18

-Intellect: +9

-Spirit: +5


-Charisma: +1 / -Fame: +3

-Available skill ponts: +6


'Damn, I'm still missing some Agility, lets's check other items first'

-Rank: Very Rare / Attack: 3.5~5.0 / Attack speed 0.85-1.00 / All Stats: +3

-The attack is increased when a string is pulled completely, however, it greatly reduces attack speed.

-Requirement: Level 5 / Agility: 23(25) / Strength: 14(15) / Stamina: 9(10)

'Why does it say two types of numbers in requirements?' Ikky finally noticed, then he remembered.

"Must be because of the achievement effect!"

[Effect: requirement for items is lowered by 10%]

"The +3 all stats is just what I need to equip the boots, but the requirement for a bow is even higher...moreover, I'm not sure if I want to use a bow." after thinking it over, and the fact that the bow did not say anything about a penalty, He decided to give it a try.

[Would you like to spend 3 points to increase your Agility?]

[Would you like to spend 2 points to increase your Strength?]


[ equiped]

With +5 agility from Leather boots and extra Strength, he should be able to equip the bow, right?

[ equiped]

"Yosh! Let's see my stats."

[Status window]

-Level: 5 / Rogue

-Strength: +17

-Agility: +26

-Stamina: +21

-Intellect: +12

-Spirit: +8


-Charisma: +1 / -Fame: +3

-Available skill ponts: +1

"That's more than double of my previous stats. I bet I could kill that rare in a few attacks now.' Ikky was visibly happy and continued to look for other stuff.

The rest of the items he got were useless, however, there was one more interesting item he left as the last thing to check.

-Requirement: Level 5 / Intellect: 9(10)

-Use mana to affect your weapon, or skill to further amplify its effect

-Deals five times of weapon/skill attack, but within 12 second

-Cooldown: 30 second

"Such a strong skill!!" Ikky wondered how much would this skill sell for.

When he came back to the Village he met several players in and outside of the forest, but he never saw anyone using any skill.

Seems like skills were meant to be either very rare or learned during a higher stage of the game. But Ikky didn't plan to sell the skill as there was no need to.

[Would you like to learn ?]


After finishing everything he wanted, Ikky went to look for a closes shop to sell some of the random items he dropped.

"Hello customer, how may I help you," asked a middle-aged man behind a stand.

"I would like to sell some of the stuff I got from hunting the monsters," Ikky said politely.

"Then let me see the goods,"

After checking all of the items.

"Unfortunately most of the items are just junk, there seems to be some use as crafting material, but not many of them," said Seller after checking all of the items.

"I understand, however, I feel bad to just throw them away on street." signed Ikky.

"Hmm, If you are willing to sell me other material with a 10% cut, I might offer you one copper for each junk item" he offered.

Ikky frowned thinking, then he asked.

"Why would you offer something that would put you to loss, if you don't buy junk items then you can save money just for the material, on the other hand, if you are trying to scam me, then it would be better for me to just sell the material at normal price."

"Ha Ha Ha," the seller laugher.

"Aren't you a smart one?" he continued.

It's true that junk items are useless, but I have a friend who might have some use for them. Even though I will lose some money to you, I can get them back from my friend. It's a win-win situation for both of us."

"Alright, I will believe in you" he didn't believe him at all.

'I will need to verify it with other shops later' Ikky thought.

Ikky soon left the shop with some money in his pocket.

[4 silver, 31 copper]

'That seems like some good money he didn't know if it was a big or small amount, but considering that most of the stuff cost around 1-2 copper so far, it was not bad to have four hundred of them now.

'Time to check my new skills, but before that, I should go check on Training Center, maybe it will help me learn Bow mastery.'