Underground Arena - 2


(-48 delt)


A large portion of his MP bar was cut out, but Ikky didn't pay any attention to it, as he couldn't take off his eyes from the numbers popping above Werewolf's head.

(-20 Poison) / (-20 Poison) / (-20 Poison)

"AWHOOoo!!" Werewolf howled in the pain.

A stunningly loud howl woke him up from the confusion, Ikky pulled the bowstring once again.


(-57 delt)

Another arrow did hit the target, and even bigger damage appeared as the Werewolf was kneeling from all the pain it felt. Since the arrow didn't need to fix the path, the damage penalty was not applied.

With a second hit, Werewolf also woke up from the pain, and it instantly turned to the human, eyes full of anger and pain.

Yet Poison continued to deal its damage.

Surprised Ikky pulled the bowstring again, prepared to shoot as before, but he didn't need to.

At that moment Werewolf just turned around and fled away from the entrance door.

"W-WAIT!" Ikky pointlessly yelled.

If he follows him, he will be at disadvantage, there is no way that he will be able to shoot the bow in the narrow alleys in the upper layers, he would need to fight with the daggers.

Even if he was confident with dagger combat, fighting a faster enemy was a completely different story.

However, there was no other way, he can not stay here and wait. Werewolves are known for their superhuman regeneration power, if he gives it enough time, he might lose the advantage he just gained from the insane damage he dealt.

Making up his mind, he exchanged weapons and followed the monster.

After running up 3 floors he still couldn't see the monster.

'Don't tell me it ran up to the first floor?! But the doors should hold, otherwise, the monster would flee a long time ago, right? I should hurry just in case' worried about the guard's safety Ikky sped up.

Ignoring all of the rooms Ikky ran straight to the first layer, but when he arrived his worst fears came true.

Doors were smashed open and the guard's body was lifelessly laying at the bottom of the stair.

"Damn it." cursed Ikky and ran upstairs.

When he arrived on the field he saw 3 different guards trying to hold the Werewolf from leaving the field.

Ikky was full of rage, if he didn't let it escape then the guard downstairs would still be alive.

[Novice dagger unequipped] / [Short Bow equipped]


(-51 delt) (-21 poison) (-21 poison)

Poison damage continued to take effect, but Ikky ignored it completely and ran straight to the Werewolf pulling string again.


(-45 delt)

"AWHOOOOOooo!!!" Werewolf screamed even more than before, swiping its claw against all 3 guards, pushing them back and creating some space.

Werewolf tried to flee again, but Ikky was already expecting it and shot another arrow.

(-43 delt)

Werewolf finally understood that he can not run away from those arrows, turning to the human which was making it feel all the pain, it leaped at him swiping its claw at the enemy's head.

But Ikky has already seen the leap a few times, when Werewolf ducked its legs, he already knew what was coming so he slipped across the floor, evading Werewolf's claw completely.

[Short Bow unequipped] / [Novice dagger equipped]

Ikky switched his weapon in the middle of the slippage, then using the momentum he leaped himself at the enemy's back.

Werewolf back was exposing its weak points, and Ikky didn't plan to miss the chance.

(-18 critical) / (-9 delt) / (-17 critical)

Several numbers popped up before Werewolf turned with swept of his claw.

(-20 received)

Ikky received huge damage, but he completely ignored it and continued his attacks. The barrage of attacks was exchanged between both sides, leaving guards dumbfounded. However, they soon moved to help this young man which unexpectedly helped them.

But before they could arrive, a howl loud enough to damage eardrums escaped Werewolf's mouth.

'What a dumb monster,' thought Ikky when he saw Werewolf leaping backward, trying to escape once again.

Under the yelling of guards, Werewolf almost reached the exit doors, when an arrow pierced its chest, or to be more precise, it pierced through his back, with an arrowhead sticking out of the chest.

[Congratulation for killing your first Elite enemy]

[Achieve unlocked ]

Kill your first Elite monster (effect, +2 Fame)

Under the looks of 3 guards and bystander players, Ikky stepped forward, slowly approaching the floating orb.

[Experience gained 4380]

[Gained 3 silver]

[Gained 1x Werewolf furry cloak]

[Gained 1x Werewolf claw]

[Gained 1x Skillbook - Leap attack]


He was both physically and mentally exhausted, dropping to his knees.

Simple training with the Bow turned into an unexpected quest and ended up with such catastrophe, Ikky didn't want anything else than logging out and taking a break, he was not yet ready for such thrilling fights, in the end, he originally played just to move his body and have some fun.

"Sir, excuse me?" asked one of the guards

"Yea?" replied Ikky looking up to the guard completely exhausted.

"Are you alright? Do you need us to bring medic?" he asked with concern.

"I will be alright, no need." Ikky rejected it as he didn't know if healers services would cost something.

"Do you have enough strength to walk? We would like to report this to our captain, and it would be good if you can accompany us."

Ikky looked through system windows and he saw that the hidden quest he received is completed, but did not disappear or offer any reward, yet. Knowing that he have to accompany guards to receive the reward, he stood up, but a painful groan escaped his mouth.

"Let's go," said Ikky with short nod.


Verm was just driving his car when the phone rang. Based on the ringtone he knew that something bad happened.

"Mr. Verm we have a problem!" said a female voice when he picked up the phone.

"I'm just on my way to the company, can it wait 15 minutes, or does it need my immediate attention?" he asked.

"I-I think it can way, but please come to the game section as soon as possible," she said as if she lost all her confidence out of nowhere.

"So it's related to the Ancient Era? Alright, expect me there in 20 minutes." with his words he hangs up the phone.


When Verm entered the game section he was already welcome by the sounds of heels. They came from the woman storming from left to right.

"You should stop biting your nails, you are a grown-up woman after all," said Verm.

"Sir! I'm so glad you are here," responded a female in her early 20, without giving him any place for another comment she continued.

"We have a problem with one of the hidden events!"

"Oh, did an irregular break our plan again?" he asked.

"Not really, it's an unknown player."

"Wow~, that's interesting. Which quest was it? Verm asked.

"The Werewolf event was destroyed," she said with a serious face.

"The event ended already? Ah~ I was looking forward to watching it live, just imagine the whole town together with guards trying to kill a Werewolf..well I will at least watch a recording, I hope you recorded it?" he looked at the female with sharp eyes which said, forget about a yearly bonus if you didn't record it.

"No, there was no event, it was destroyed," she repeated.

"W-What? What do you mean destroyed, no wait.. how did anybody even trigger it? Anyone under level 10 would die before they could even force Werewolf to leave the bottom layer!" then he realized.

"What is the current highest level?" he asked.

"Level 9" the female answered.

"Follow me!" he ordered and strolled toward his office, the previous playful voice was gone. It was replaced by the voice of a man who owned more than half of the Crystal company stocks holders.