Who are you?

From door to door, Ikky would follow his previous tactic and only go left. Since all of the rooms were square, he was confident that at some point he would reach a room with only 3 doors, or that he would return to his original position.

Ikyk also tried to count the number of rooms, but the noise in front of him kept on distracting him from doing the math, the damn math.

*Clack* *Clack*


"Can you shut up?!" Ikky yelled angrily at the skeleton.

*Clack* skeleton continued to walk toward the enemy without any response.

Ikky fastly dealt with the skeleton, even though the difference in levels was not that big, the constant fighting gave him pretty good fighting experience and an understanding of the enemy's weak points.

He couldn't even remember how many monsters he killed in the past few hours, but his experience bar was getting close to level 10. If he would continue with this pace, he will reach level 10 in the next few rooms.

[Status window]

-Level: 9 / Rogue

-Strength: +18

-Agility: +27

-Stamina: +22

-Intellect: +13

-Spirit: +9


-Charisma: +1 / Fame: +115

-Available skill points: +31


'I surely have a lot of unused skill points...' thought Ikky after checking his status window. He was excited to see what was going to happen when he reach level 10.

When he was surfing through the forum, just before the update, he saw a post that had some information from the Admins, apparently, there was a class road to be selected at level 10.

He walked to the next doors on the left. Once the door was open, he forgot to breathe.

'Finally?' tears appeared in the corners of his eyes. There stood solely a single door in that room.

Ikky slowly approached the door, afraid of any kind of trap, but nothing happened.

He reached toward the door's handle and after touching it, the door disappeared. 'Noooo!', but at that moment floor moved.

It didn't take long and the floor was falling at a velocity-reachable speed of free fall, Ikky had to kneel otherwise he would drop flat on the floor from the momentum.

Just when he thought, that he triggered a deadly trap, the floor started to slow down, and after a moment it completely stopped.

Ikky was watching a big hole where previously a firm stone wall was, and he could sigh as he saw another tunnel.

'If I'm back at the start I'm done..' his mind was filled with depressing thoughts as he walked towards the only present exit.


The tunnel was very long, perhaps half a kilometer, maybe even slightly longer, but nobody would ever expect the sight hidden behind this pitch black tunnel.

As Ikky escaped from this tunnel, he was instantly overwhelmed by the scenery in front of him. Hall bigger than a city, with a ceiling high enough that it was a miracle it still stood. He tried to see the end but he couldn't, because even though there were some magic lamps, there was not enough of them to light the whole hall, which created the illusion of a never-ending panorama.

Ikky walked toward the first pillar which was as big as a skyscraper, it took him almost a minute to walk around it. As he was getting closer to the end of the pillar, he began to hear unrecognizable noises. The closer he got, the louder the noises were. When he was just a few meters from the corner, the noise was so loud that he was able to recognize what those sounds were. Somebody was fighting.

Ikky peaked from behind the corner and was very surprised, by the sight. Maybe even more surprised than from the hall itself. Ikky finally understood why he couldn't see some parts of the hall, it was not a never-ending hall, but there was a wall opposite the tunnel he exited, pitch-black walls, like the one he crawled from. The hall was actually a very big rectangle, and he just came from the longer side. That was also the reason why the pillar blocked the vision of what was behind it.

Hundreds of stone statues were standing before the overwhelmingly big throne above the stairs. Ikky looked to the right and saw a lot of debris on the ground. Probably all those stone statues on left were reduced to nothing more than dust and debris on the right.

'Is something destroying those statues? But why?' with a question Ikky looked to the left once again.

Once he catch a glimpse of what was fighting he couldn't believe his eyes. Some of the stone statues were moving as if they were alive. They crumbled with each move, leaving debris behind, yet recklessly attacking something in front of them as if there was no tomorrow.

Ikky tried to see what they were attacking and when he saw their target, he got momentarily dumbfounded.

Those statues were attacking some kind of Spirit made from the light, or to be more specific, made from the Holy energy, but that wasn't what stunned him. He was surprised due to the person standing behind the Spirit, it was a human and it was a player.

At that moment the Spirit's body started flashing as its energy was losing power, it was clear that in a few seconds it will disappear completely. Ikky made up his mind and charged from the corner.

He approached seven statues from behind, unnoticed until he yelled, but then it was already too late for them.

"Multishot!" ~Shoot~

Five arrows, five hits, and three stone statues were destroyed in that instant.

Ikky didn't stop and changed to the dagger and hit the one which looked most damaged from the spirit and his arrow, it also fell down leaving just a bunch of dust behind.

The unknown person was stunned by the sudden yell, however, when she saw that the person was helping her and not attacking, she decided to ignore him and use the statue's temporary carelessness to destroy one of them.

This attack cost her the last bit of her mana and the spirit disappeared.

"I'm out of the mana, and I don't have much HP!" she yelled at the unknown savior.

"Two-step fly" Ikky yelled and used his movement technique to appear in front of the person. He got momentarily stunned as he believed that the voice of the person sounded very familiar, but it was not time to pay attention to it.

The fight didn't take long, both statues were already low on HP and died after three to five hits.

When the fight was over Ikky finally looked at the person he just saved. As he looked at her, she initially took two steps back.

"Sorry, I mean hello..." silence followed.

"I'm not here to make any trouble, I got lost and actually I have no idea where I am," said Ikky.

She continued to look at him for several more seconds, deep silent.

"Who are you?" after a while, she finally spoke.

Ikky looked at the girl, she wore a robe with a hood which somehow had a mask implemented, so he couldn't see her face. The voice was somehow familiar but without a face, he couldn't tell who was it. Her height was just about a head shorter than him. Ikky would say that her body was somehow petite, but under the robe, he couldn't tell.

"I'm Ikky, I got sucked by an underwater tunnel stream and ended up in this labyrinth," he answered.

"Labyrinth?" she asked while sitting down taking out some food.

Her action dumbfounded him. 'Why is she eating so casually here?'

"Yes labyrinth, didn't you also receive the achievement when you discovered this place?" he asked ignoring her eating.

"I did, however, it said (God challenge hall). By the way, if you need to recover you should do it, in less than five minutes another ten statues will attack" she said in a casual tone that people use to talk about the weather.

"W-What?" Ikky looked at the other statues, there were still more than a hundred of them. He then looked at all the debris.

"Were you killing them like this? Ten status at once every five minutes?" he looked at her as if she was a monster.

"Yes, but I have a help, the spirit you saw is not my skill, it's actually a temporary skill which I received from the quest, it was also the quest that ported me to this hall."

"I see, makes sense, I basically came here by a hole in the wall, there is no way that it was the official entrance to this place." he nodded with agreement.

Ikky wanted to ask for her name, but then he heard rumbling.

"What is that?" he asked with concern.

"That is a signal that we have only one minute to prepare," she explained.

"I don't know how you got here, but I hope you are ready to fight since there is only one way out and that is to survive the attack of the statues. Summon Holy spirit." she stood up and summoned her skill.
