Is this the end?

"Multishot!" Ikky used his skill, no longer daring to use it with a Guided arrow, as he no longer had the luxury to spend mana points on every Bow skill. He also could not use other skills much as they also consumed mana. The only mana-less attacks he had was Multishot and a Normal attack.

Ikky used the bow so much, that he felt very confident with hitting Normal attacks most of the time. However, the Multishot was a different story, since it had negative accuracy by itself.

Guided arrow was a very good skill, but the mana consumption of 5 MP per arrow was just too high. Especially for a Multishot, since it shoots five arrows at once, resulting in a consumption of 25 MP per use.

Every player started with 10 MP and got 2 extra for every Intellect stat. Ikky currently had 13 Intellect, which means he had 36 Mana in his pool.

Spirit also helped to recover some of the lost mana, but with a 6 MP recovery per ten seconds, it was just barely enough to use Guided arrow on every 5th Multishot.

At any other times, Ikky would not care and he would shoot without a Guided arrow as he pleased, but he currently was in a very bad situation, because he was getting low on the arrows.

When they first began to kill statues, Ikky still had something over fifty arrows, but shooting arrows at the stone was not a good idea, and Ikky was cursing the system for being so much realistic.

He lost over twenty arrows, destroyed for good, so every missed arrow was now a question of life and death.

As they continued fighting, Ikky managed to reach level 10. He ignored all of the message windows, as he was in the middle of the fight, but he welcomed the recovery of the mana from the level up. But that mana was depleted sooner than he could celebrate.

Ikky destroyed the last standing statue, and both of them fell to the ground at the same time. He might have arrived on the ground sooner than the statue.

Gasping for the air, Ikky felt exhausted more than ever. He checked for Lyras' condition and found that she was indeed in the same condition as him. Even if Ikky had a higher 'Will' to resist thoughts of exhaustion, he also ran much faster and moved much more as he also had to shoot and dodge statues on him, while trying to pick up any arrows he already shot.

It didn't even take twenty seconds and rumbling warned them about the incoming wave in one minute.

"This is the end, I cannot continue anymore," Lyra said with a grave gasping voice.

Ikky looked at her, then he looked at the remaining statues. There were still thirty of them. Both of them had nothing but a fraction of their mana, and Lyra also had trimmer than half of her HP.

The food she was consuming constantly ran out several waves ago, and she no longer could summon her skill until her Spirit stat regenerated enough mana naturally.

"What if we hide behind a pillar?" Ikky suggested.

"I tried it before, they can somehow sense our presence anywhere in this room." Lyra answered while shaking her head."

'So this is it, this is the end...We have no mana, only twenty arrows left, no chance to survive.' he was already reconciled for the death. As he was thinking about what would penalty for the dead be, Ikky heard another rumbling.

That last rumbling signalized that there are only thirty seconds to live. As his spirit already have up, he no longer paid any attention to Lyra or statues, instead scanned the messages he got when he reached level 10.

[Congratulation player for reaching a threshold. You can now select your classpath.]

[Your stats, skills, and actions have been calculated, and you will be provided with several choices accordingly to the result.]

[Please select your classpath.]


-Normal Class - oriented around shooting and killing from distance.

-Getting access to strong skills and a longer range.



-Rare Class - oriented around the usage of different weapons types.

-Getting special effects based on the type of weapon you are currently wielding.



-Special class - oriented around the usage of a Bow and Daggers

-Getting special movements, utilizing dodging and attacks of both weapons.


[Mystical Bowsman (locked - requirement not met)]

-Unique class - oriented around the usage of magical powers with a bow

-Getting access to special bow skills involving magic.


Ikky looked at those categories, then a small laugh escaped his mouth.

Lyra looked at him, why would he laugh in this situation? Maybe he was crazy all along. But Ikky had a different thought.

'Why offer me a Unique classpath when it's locked, it doesn't even tell me what the requirements are...crazy game' Ikky angrily swiped his hand through the system windows as if he tried to repel an insect.

At that moment, an additional message showed up, as his hand touched the Mystical Bowsman window.

[Missing requirement to select this class. Intellect is too low to support the requirement, please increase your Intellect to continue.]

Ikky looked at the message dumbfounded as an idea was slowly sparkling to be born at the back of his mind. At that moment statues moved.

His eyes followed their movement, and he witnessed as time slowed, Ikky saw everything as if he was watching everything from above. He saw himself from the present, and he saw himself from the future and the past. This state lasted only a second, yet, Ikky subconsciously knew what to do, how to survive. What had just happened is what people would call an Enlightenment.

"MOVE! We can survive!" Ikky yelled as he saw statues approaching Lyra, which didn't move as if she was waiting for them.

A sudden yell somehow woke her up. She clench my teeth and with hard difficulty, she rolled away. When she got on her feet she started running toward Ikky.

"You better have a plan!" she yelled as she was running toward Ikky angry because she couldn't meet her rest, a rest called dead.

But Ikky was not listening to her, neither was he looking at her nor at the statues. All he saw were system windows in front of his eyes.

[Would you like to increase your Intellect stat by 16 points?]

This was a very big risk, if it didn't work out, they would not only die here, but he would also waste half of his points on useless stat.

Ikky closed his eyes, and Lyra screamed when she saw he was closing his eyes instead of moving, or at least doing anything, just not standing and closing his eyes! Why is she running while he is resting?!

At that moment Ikky opened his eyes, the expression on his face was serious and mature. The look in his eyes was so deep, that all previous thoughts disappeared from her mind.


[Conditions to choose Mystical Bowsman have been met. (Condition: minimum of 30 Intellect)]

[You have selected Mystical Bowsman as your classpath.]

[Congratulation to a player for achieving a Unique classpath.]

[Status window]

-Level: 10 / Mystical Bowsman

-Strength: +18

-Agility: +27

-Stamina: +22

-Intellect: +31

-Spirit: +9


-Charisma: +1 / Fame: +115

-Available skill points: +15


Even more, windows popped up, but Ikky didn't have the luxury to read them as Lyra was only two meters away from him, and statues were right behind her.

Lyra saw a big smile appearing on his face, it was an innocent smile, yet it had a pinch of cruelty, the cruelty of what was coming next.

"Multishot!" Ikky yelled once Lyra ran past him.

He didn't even need to use his Guiding arrow because statues were right in front of him, there was no possibility he would miss from this distance.

"Two-step fly," Ikky used his movement skill to dodge all incoming attacks then looked at three statues that kept following Lyra.

"Poison arrow!" he aimed at first.

"Chilling arrow!" he aimed at second.

"Guided arrow!" he hit the third one with his normal attack.

'12 arrows left.'

All statues were now following him. And he was running for his life.

Ikky noticed, that that extra 16 Intellect had delivered much more mana to his mana pool than he previously expected, but now was not time to be taken aback, so he paid it no attention.

After ten seconds, Multishot cooldown was back and Ikky used it right away without any delay, he even added a Guided arrow so all hits would hit.

'7 arrows left.'

Statues were getting really close, but it was just in time for another cooldown to be finished. Ikky turned 180° and moved toward statues.

"Two-step fly!" Ikky dodged all attacks again while managing to steal one arrow sticking from the chest of the statue in front of him.

When he landed one of the statues just got reduced to debris, it was the statue that was hit by a Poison attack, which was equal to five extra hits.

"Go to that statue and pick that arrow!" yelled Ikky to Lyra and started to run again.

"Guided arrow, Multishot!" Ikky used his Aoe skill once again and two statues dropped to the ground. Ikky felt that his damage must have increased or he had to trigger a critical hit because in the previous wave he usually needed about four to five hits, but there was no time for those details.

'3 arrows left.'

Ikky saw one arrow getting destroyed by the fallen statue. He cursed, and his momentum got disturbed.

"Poison arrow!"

[Poison arrow is on cooldown: 8 seconds]

"Shit!" Ikky cursed again as two statues arrived in front of him.

"Two-step fly!"

[Two-step fly is on cooldown: 4 seconds]

Ikky wanted to dodge by himself, but there was no way to dodge attacks from both sides.

'Fuck...,' were his last thoughts before both of their swords hit him.


A/Notice: This chapter was a bit longer than I previously expected, I even spend extra time polishing it as I wanted it to be really good, so I hope you all enjoyed it!!

I really hate the fact that it ended up with a cliffhanger, but hang on!