Mysterious Bloodline of Tevinter Origin and What is currently happening in Ferelden

"Night Blades..." At Mordred's command, three elves appear from seemingly nowhere startling Emeric and nearly giving the old-timer a heart attack.

"Yes, Sir Mordred?" The lead elf asks.

"Mind looking into this case? The case shows clear signs of practice of Necromancy... So beware of Blood Magic... If you look at the details you will see that each body part taken starts to make up a body that would belong to a very short Pendragon...

Very few women would be able to have such a figure and I'm not even saying this in jest... Whoever is trying to create the body through this rare form of Blood Magic wants a replica and... It disgusts me..." Mordred glowers in equal parts disgust and contempt.

"Of course M'lady! We will work on this right away!" The three Dalish disappear into thin air making Emeric's eyes bug out.

"I have an Alliance with most of the Dalish Clans... As a child, I wandered into their forests and the only reason I wasn't made into a human pin-cushion is that they deemed me a child that doesn't know the ways of the world back then and they were correct...

I would frequently visit them sharing knowledge and techniques from a bygone Era... Some might argue that giving them the means to slaughter humans easily was a bad choice... But I disagree...

Your Ancestors took away their immortality by their mere presence and cutting down their trees and then you went even further by enslaving them and putting them in camps... My Family has always had amicable ties with the Dalish since we did not participate in your slaughter of innocents and subsequent enslavement.

In fact, our family line didn't do anything to the Dalish whether that be attacking them unjustly in a mad land grab nor did our presence harm them... My ancestors tried to coexist in peace... Other people rallied to our cause and fought back Tevinter which is why that blood-magic-ridden nation hates the Pendragons even more with each passing year.

Tevinter never forgot how we turned on them... Which is why they are still attacking our lands in Britannia when they should really focus on the Kossith..." Mordred sends a lifeless gaze toward Emeric.

"Don't you think it's a bit harsh to blame me for what my ancestors did thousands of years ago?" Emeric couldn't help but defend himself.

"... It's not so simple as that Emeric... the Pendragons and the Wardens have inside knowledge on why the Dalish hates humans so much... You didn't just take away their endless lifespan you took everything.

All that remains are remnants of what was... If you wish to learn more about your Ancestor's wrongdoings Emeric then I suggest meeting the Dalish after the Blight is over... I will give you a letter written in Elvhen with my own Seal on it... It will open your eyes to the truth that was buried by the Imperium and the Chantry..." Mordred goes back to her paperwork.

"What do you mean the hidden truth?" Emeric couldn't help but be curious.

"It's a truth only known to the highest in our order... But I feel that you in particular should know since your of 'that' Bloodline... I won't lie... My Seal will be the only thing that prevents the Dalish from unleashing hell on you..." Mordred waves him away.

'What is it that my ancestors did to the ancient elves?' Emeric saw a bleak recognition from Sir Mordred and that alone didn't sit well with him. After all, this would be Mordred's first meeting with him but that Bleak Bleak recognition was something he couldn't understand.


"You do know that the Clans might just kill him anyway right?" the other 10 of her Night Blades appear on the beams above her office. Were it anyone else they would be screaming bloody murder but Mordred just sends an amused smirk at them.

"I'm aware but there is a 50/50 chance that they will spare him if he shows the seal at all times like an idiot..." Mordred chuckles with her personal Dalish Assassins.

The Dalish Night Blades also find the whole thing amusing that someone of his lineage doesn't even know what happened back then. These Particular Dalish got their new-found sense of humor from Mordred which has helped them lighten up a bit.

/// Elsewhere in Ferelden...

"Honestly I'm glad that mad dog is gone!" Allistair shivers.

"Why is that?" Cristine Cousland couldn't help but ask.

"For one Knight-Commander Sir Mordred has a terrible habit of purging her problems... If she were here she would simply walk straight into Denerim and cut down all opposition and afterward would let us do our job without difficulty... Her title is [Maker's Divine Wrath] Wherever she goes she purges all corrupt nobles soldiers Templars or priests! She doesn't care for any trial she simply is the Judge Jury and Executioner.

The Divine herself decreed that she would be the one that would guide a revolution no matter what form it took... She also said that the Maker Himself Notified Lady Pendragon that her second Daughter would be his Divine Wrath who will purge the corruption from the lands of Thedas wherever she marched... In other words, she is the Maker's personal Killer... It would seem the Maker has decided to take a more hands-on approach this time around..." Allistair shudders as he wonders if it is a sin to be a Bastard born from a maid and a King.

"Surely this Lady Pendragon is simply corrupt like any other Templar and just wants more power? Tis only natural for someone of her position..." Morrigan remarks as always are poisoned with cynicism.

"No... Maybe other Templars but not the Pendragons... They serve the Maker himself more devoutly than any other Templar... For he speaks to each Pendragon that can finally use the final form of Holy Smite... Turning Mage's directly into Ash... Blue Ash.

I've only seen it happen once when Lord Lancelot used it... He was facing Blood Mages that decided to hide in Redcliffe Village... I was awed at such blessed power... Then and there I thought... 'Ah, I want to be just like him...' But I could never become a Pendragon... I have the power of a full-fledged Templar but I will never be able to use such power from such basic applications as Cleanse and Smite..." Allistair speaks of just how powerful the Pendragons are with a tone of reverence.

Allistair's speech makes Morrigan snarl in rage that mere mortals with not an ounce of magic can have such power within them and starts seething that her mother didn't tell her about these Super-templars that are clearly just glorified Mage-mulchers.