Robert woke from another nightmare.
"Mordred... Ser Mordred!" Robert's voice boomed, waking everyone up, including Cersei, who was doing the nasty as usual with Jaime down the hall.
"Yeah?" Mordred opened the door and lifted an eyebrow.
"Lullaby..." Robert only had to speak a single word to get his point across.
"Of course," Mordred gave a kind smile and sang softly, and Robert drifted off.
Mordred's voice was beautiful as she sang the song King by Lauren Aquilina, and it gently traveled to all the guests and the Starks.
"You're alone, you're on your own so what? Have you gone blind?
Have you forgotten?
What you have, and what is yours?" Mordred sang the whole song, and Robert finally looked peaceful instead of being wracked by nightmares. Mordred gently covers him with a thick blanket, which is seen by Cersei and Ned, who come over.
"Shh," Mordred put a finger in front of her lips and shushed them softly.
Finally, outside the room, they spoke gently so as not to wake the King.
"Is he usually in the throws of nightmares?" Ned asked with a soft voice.
"More often than not, I sing him lullaby's so he may have a peaceful sleep. I think the main reason why he drinks and whores around is to forget whatever horrors that keep him up at night." Mordred leaned against the wall with one foot crossed over the other.
Mordred lit a candle, took out a book, and started reading.
"Among other things," Cersei spoke bitterly.
"..." The flame danced across Mordred's face, which showed she had a disapproving frown.
"Not everything is about you, warriors... They suffer not just from injuries, be they fresh or old, but the memories that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. You cannot understand how some things mentally scar even the greatest warriors." Mordred's gaze becomes shadowed with a whole flurry of negative emotions, including malice.
"Aye, some things can never be forgotten. Good night, my Queen," Ned nodded to Mordred in a show of respect, turned to Cersei and bowed and spoke with respect, and then went down the hall toward the Lord's Chambers.
/// Morning~
"What..." Mordred drops her spoon in shock.
"The boy fell and is in critical condition." The Maester sighed.
"Take me to him." Mordred dabbed her mouth and set the cloth back on the table.
"Maester, go and bring me my bag. It's in my room in colors of white and red. You can't miss it." Mordred checks up on the boy and feels a weak pulse.
"I'll go get it." Robb ran as fast as he could and returned just as swiftly.
"Maester, hand me the anesthetic. and the syringe with a needle." Mordred rubs alcohol onto Bran's shoulder.
"No, not the powder that's antiseptic; I just used moments ago." Mordred gave a look that said What the hell are you doing, you quack.
"Boy! Come here. And you, Quack, get the hell out of here before I cut you in half." Robb comes over, and the Maester retreats with haste.
"Bottle with clear liquid. it says Anesthetic in bold letters." Robb follows the directions and hands the bottle to her. Mordred gets the syringe and gently pours in a small amount of anesthetic so that the boy will feel no pain.
"What is that?" Ned asked.
"Anesthetic is so that the boy will feel no pain during invasive surgery. He will be asleep throughout it all." Mordred says as she focuses.
Mordred gently turns Bran over.
"Scalpel" Robb didn't know what that was but understood from the Maesters lessons that it was one of the knives, and so he handed the whole thing to her, and Mordred gave him a small look before taking the scalpel.
"Please remove the mother; it is difficult on them more so than fathers and siblings. Screaming and questions will distract me, which will complicate the surgery." Mordred spoke as she focused on the incision. Ned does as commanded and closes the door after giving some soothing words of comfort.
/// six hours later.
"Good news or bad news first, my Lord?" Mordred takes off the latex gloves and wipes her sweat.
"Bad," Ned said.
"He will never be able to talk again, but the good news is that he will be able to walk again. If it weren't for me he would be crippled from the neck down." Mordred sighed and shakily went to sit on a chair; the surgery had been mentally exhausting.
Ned sighed deeply. "You did everything you could, yes?" He asked.
"Of course, but I will allow you to hold me responsible for taking his ability to speak. It was that or let him suffer the life of never being able to move his entire body. To save him, I had to remove his vocal cords, namely the organ which allows speech." Mordred continued dabbing her sweat and even took off her jacket and dress shirt, and it showed she only had Tube Top on as she dabbed the sweat, and Robb was blushing.
"If what you said is true, then I should be grateful. I will not hold you accountable for helping my boy. Some things in life can't be helped." Ned went over and gently stroked the face of his baby boy with some tears in the man's eyes.
"I will write up a prescription of what he needs to eat and when he needs to take some herbal water. He will wake up in about four hours. He might try to sit up, and I don't encourage that as he may reopen the incision wounds from the surgery. Make sure he doesn't make any sudden movements, or I will have to restitch his wounds closed." Mordred spoke as she started writing on a parchment she had asked for earlier.
"Remember what I said, you quack, replace his bandages every six hours or he will get an infection and that will be on your head." Mordred glared at the Maester, and Ned narrowed his eyes at the man who he thought was wise but now realizes isn't as smart as he thought the man was.
"Yes, of course, Archmaester!" Luwin bowed while trembling in fear.
Mordred left the room with a lot of skin visible due to her Tube Top.