I Know You Know Me

Leon ruffled his hair in frustration, they had tried to catch up with Mat and his men, but failed and lost track along with Gretta's disappearance from their side.

The only way to get Gretta back was to follow her to the palace. And that must also be one of the reasons Mat preferred Gretta to be taken, to lure Leon to come there himself without having to bother forcing him.

Ever since they met, Leon had cared deeply for Gretta. Especially after learning that he had a special relationship with Gretta. Right now all he could think about was how to get Gretta back, no matter if he had to give himself up to Rhys.

Shan and Leon immediately departed from that place, before going to the palace they decided to meet Luke first. That's because Leon's hunch says Luke is not in good condition.

Their existence which is easily known by Mat and his men is not a good sign. Because Luke once said the place was quite safe, moreover Mat also admitted that it was the first time he could find the place.

"Luke?" called Leon who just walked into Luke's house. There was no response and no one was there.

Shan checked the rooms but there was still no one. He then turned to Leon who was also looking at him seriously.

"I think they have already left this place and gone to the other end of the city."

Just as Leon had suspected, Mat's madness had gone to the extent that he had taken Luke who knew nothing.

Mat knew Luke well, he also knew Leon's habit of visiting Luke in the past. In fact, sometimes Mat went along with Leon. Therefore, it was not too difficult for him to guess where Leon would go after arriving in Orlin.

Leon's glance was drawn to a piece of paper on Luke's kitchen table. On it was a pen, and there was writing on it.

'Perhaps you should take a moment of silence, rest in peace to Luke.'

"Damn Mat!" cursed Leon irritably. He crumpled the paper and threw it in a random direction.

"We'll find him there, and Mat's name will be written on the paper." Shan grabbed a piece of cloth from the floor. Luke's clothes were scattered on the floor.

Not waiting for long, the two immediately rushed from that place. They sprinted through the forest in werewolf form as if they were going hunting.

Leon brought along Gretta's bow that was left behind, and Shan was still loyal to his spear. Their gazes only focused on one point ahead, his face radiating anger.


"Hi, Gretta."

Gretta looked flatly at the person in front of her. It was a tall, muscular man. The man had sharp eyes, the color of his eyes was fiery red while his shoulder-length hair was white.

"You may not recognize me, but I'm sure you're quite familiar with my name. I'm Rhys."

Gretta did not show any expression. Her current state was bound by ropes inside a dark room with the only source of light from the door that was opened slightly due to Rhys.

"I was very curious as to how similar you were to my sister, I thought it was just a passing resemblance. But, your face is really like a clone of her." Rhys touched Gretta's cheek with his index finger.

"You really cured my longing for Elisabeth, my sister," he said with a face full of sadness.

Gretta chuckled, "You killed her, and now you miss her."

Rhys' face instantly changed, from being so sad to now being cheerful. "Leon really poisoned you, huh?" He stood up from his squat. "Are you really sure you believe that? The claw that pierced Elisabeth's chest wasn't mine."

Rhys stared at Gretta from above, his face looking so cold this time. His gaze was truly sharp and frightening.

'Crazy psychopath!' Gretta cursed inwardly.

Then at that moment Rhys smiled again. That man's personality was really strange and unpredictable. He behaved as he pleased like a roller coaster.

"I'm crazy, you should say it out loud instead of just inside."

Rhys stepped out of the room leaving Gretta alone. "Keep trying to escape because I might kill you before Leon arrives," Rhys said before completely closing the door to the room.

Gretta let out a rough breath. She felt so scared, she wanted to cry but held back as much as she could. The room was so dark, she didn't like it. Her hands and feet were also very sore because the bonds were so strong.

She looked around, there wasn't even the slightest opening for even a small light from outside. Plus it was so cold inside the room that it was agonizing.

"Take good care of that girl, don't let me hear her running away or anything like that."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Rhys left the single room that was under the palace with two guards in front of him. It was a dungeon made for special royal prisoners.

"And one more thing, make sure no one visits it no matter who it is especially Colin."

The two guards looked back down at Rhys.

Indeed, compared to Mat, it could be said that Colin was much more cruel and heartless. Ever since Mat was still friends with Leon, she had always hated Leon and antagonized him.

Now the title of the person she hated the most had moved to Gretta. That's why Rhys was very wary of the girl. She could act beyond reason and could not be stopped. If not for the sake of defending Mat, maybe Rhys would have killed Colin long ago.

"Looks like they'll arrive sooner than expected, their presence already feels so close from here." Mat stood up to welcome Rhys into the palace hall. He had been waiting for the man since a few minutes ago.

"I know," Rhys replied flatly. He took a seat in his chair. "Clear all guards, let them enter freely."

Mat was a little surprised by Rhys' words. He had prepared a layered guard in front of the palace because he knew how Leon was. But, Rhys ordered the opposite.

"But, your highness...,"

"This palace is also a home for Leon, he has the right to return to his home freely."

"Yes, Your Highness." Mat left the place and ordered all his men to open the entrance for their waiting guest.

Although in his heart Mat was annoyed, he couldn't refuse. Orders were orders and had to be carried out.

"Damn, did he forget he almost died at Leon's hands?" Mat muttered while observing his men. "It's a good thing he really died at Leon's hands this time," he continued annoyed.