Leon's Concerns

As a queen, Gretta was constantly trying to fix everything she had to fix. Although not yet fully acclimatized, little by little she began to adapt with Ruth's help.

 What was her duty, what was her right, and what she could and could not do. Everything was slowly getting organized. As Gretta got better, she became more controlled and understood who she was. Everything began to run smoothly according to what she wanted and according to what was supposed to be.

 "Do I still have a lot to learn?" she asked.

 "No, Your Highness. Eighty-five percent you have mastered and understood. All that remains is to perfect it." Ruth replied as she closed the book they were using.

 The day's lesson was over. Gretta had to return to her work and Ruth had to return to her other work. In addition to being Gretta's personal maid, she was also a senior maid who was among the top maids in the Orlin kingdom. Therefore, there were still many things she had to do.