What Wrong with Your Clothes?

After a long journey, they finally reached Orlin. On the good side, the bodyguard who had been injured and poisoned was able to survive until he was treated by the royal healer. On the bad side, it was a tiring night for them. Not only because of the long journey, but also because of the various tensions that were quite torturous inside. 

"Take him to the royal physician, the poison must be given an antidote immediately!" Leon ordered the other guards who were already preparing at the palace. 

Gretta got off the carriage and was immediately taken by her personal servants into the palace. Outside were Shan, Peter, and Leon who had just dismounted from their respective horses. 

"Are you all right?" Leon asked his two head soldiers. 

"We are fine, Lord Leon. I should be asking, are you okay? You were hit by the poisoned arrow back in the Morina Kingdom."