Epilouge 1: Wood Style

The entire family was beyond shocked at the fact that Tsuande had actually used Wood Style as it almost completely knocked them out of their grief.

'I've been wondering when my Wood Style would awaken. I was hoping that it would awaken while grandpa was still alive, at least in that way he would be able to teach me how it worked.' Tsunade thought sadly.

Tobirama regained his bearings as he asked Tsunade "Is this the first time you were able to use Wood Style Tsuna?"

Tsunade nodded and said "I just felt a warm energy surging in my body and I released it."

Tsunade's words caused Tobirama to fall into contemplation 'Why would she feel a warm energy other than chakra. No other kekkei genkai in our records shows anything similar. Though Wood Release could simply be unique since I always hypothesized that it had properties of Yang included in it. However the bigger point right now is that nobody in the Shinobi World wants another Elder Brother. They would quickly try to eliminate her as soon as word spread that she possessed Wood Release.'

"Tsunade." Tobirama called her name sternly as she turned towards him.

"You are prohibited from using your Wood Release until you become a Jonin grade shinobi. I'm telling you to not tell anyone about this, not even your friends or the Clan elders. This has to become a secret, for your own protection." Tobirama said while looking her straight in the eye.

"I understand." Tsunade responded, she knew even better than Tobirama about the danger that could befall her if news of her Wood Release spread. Not only would other villages try to take her out, even Madara and Zetsu would wish to eliminate her before she could become a threat.

The family then said a few more goodbyes to Hashirama, after which they began to leave the cemetery.

"You all go ahead and head home. I have to make sure things are in order at the Hokage Building before I head back." Tobirama said while the others nodded.

Mito, Ayako, Haru, and Tsunade arrived at their home after a 10 minute walk. They stood in silence at the entrance for a while as the all stared at Hashirama's chair that he usually sat on, which even had his signature deck of cards on it.

Mito decided to begin on dinner while Tsunade sat on the couch with her parents.

Ayako grabbed Hashirama's deck of cards as she asked "Wanna play a few games Tsuna."

Tsunade smiled as she saw her mother trying to help her feel better even though she was hurting, with her then saying smugly "Of course, but I have to warn you mom, I've never lost to grandpa before."

______________________________________________________________________________________ Tsunade felt like crying as she lost to her mother for the 6th time in a row.

'Don't tell me I have the luck of the original Tsunade, DAMNIT!!!!' Tsunade screamed her mind while losing again.

"It looks like you lose again Tsuna." Ayako said while laughing at her daughter who was pouting.

After Mito finished cooking, she looked back with a smile as she saw the family of 3 enjoying themselves and seemingly forgetting about the pain that Hashirama's death caused.

As she was setting everyone's plate onto the table, she noticed Tobirama's chakra walking towards the house at a high speed. However his emotions seem to show anxiousness, fear, sadness, and anger all at once.

As soon as he entered the house, Mito immediately asked "What's wrong Tobi? Why are you so anxious?"

Everyone turned towards Tobirama, with both Ayako and Haru thinking that he was still thinking about Hashirama.

Tsunade has another guess, but she prayed from the bottom of her heart that it wasn't true.

Tobirama sighed before he said in a sad tone

"Kumogakure has declared war on Konoha."

Everyone's eyes widened at the revelation.

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