Chapter 63: Preperations

The answers of all the major villages to the invitations sent out by Konoha arrived about 3 days later, with Hiruzen calling all his advisors back to his office.

"So did they all agree to participate?" asked Homura as he looked at Hiruzen.

"Iwa, Kumo, and Suna all agreed, Kiri didn't reply and it seems that they plan to remain isolated until they rebuild their strength. Iwa asked for enough spots for three teams while the other two only asked for one apiece. Many of the smaller villages also responded by saying they would participate. Now all we need to worry about is making sure that our teams will win. All mission task are suspended until the Chunin Exams. Use this time to increase the strength of all of our teams. Make sure to let Torifu know as well Kagami." Hiruzen told his old teammates.

They all nodded and left the building to go train their students, however Danzo still stood in front of the desk and stared at Hiruzen.

Hiruzen sighed as he knew his old friend wanted something, with him looking up at Danzo and asking "What's the matter Danzo?"

"We could use this exam to wipe out the next generation of the other villages. I can have a few of my ROOT members pose as children and wipe them out during the exam." Danzo answered.

Hiruzen stared at him in anger as he yelled "Are you insane!! Wiping out all of their genin would be akin to admitting that we cheated and risk ruining the reputation of the village. Absolutely not!!"

Danzo simply snorted before he said "Your allowing threats to Konoha to grow!! If we take out the other villages as well, it wouldn't matter we take out their youth!!"

"I'm done with it Danzo. Your actions will spark a war, one that the village isn't ready to fight yet." Hiruzen said.


"ENOUGH!!! I am the Hokage!! I've made my decision!!" Hiruzen cut off Danzo, with Danzo storming out of the room in anger.

Hiruzen simply sighed before he signalled for an ANBU agent to come down.

"Tell Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya to meet me in my office." Hiruzen said as the ANBU agent left.


Inside of a ramen shop, the trio of Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade could be seen each eating their own bowls of ramen.

"Do you think sensei will allow us to participate in the Chunin Exams this year?" Orochimaru asked the other two.

"He should!! All he's doing is holding back the great Jiraiya because he thinks that I'll surpass him." Jiraiya spoke with a proud look on his face.

Both Tsunade and Orochimaru deadpanned at him, with them both thinking 'Does his brain even work?'

However, before the three could continue their meal, they were interrupted by the arrival of the ANBU agent.

"Lord Hokage has summoned you to his office. Please follow me."

The agent then body flickered away, with the three following him and arriving in front of Hiruzen.

"What is it old man? I was on a date with Tsunade while Orochimaru tagged along." Jiraiya spoke, though he was sent flying through the wall by the end of his sentence.

Both Hiruzen and Orochimaru didn't bat an eye at the punch, with them viewing it as if it was a common occurence.

"I've decided to allow you three to compete in the Chunin Exams this year." Hiruzen spoke, with Jiraiya immediately jumping through the hole in the wall in excitement before he said.

"It's about time old man!! I thought you were never gonna let us do it."

Even Orochimaru got excited as he saw it as a chance to test his skills against his friends, with him taking a side glance at Tsunade.

He knew she would probably win, but he wanted to see the difference between the two of them.

However, Tsunade simply stared at Hiruzen, causing him to sweat a bit as he asked "What is it Tsuna?"

'Last time she looked at me like that, she blackmailed me for the Compound Ninjutsu method in exchange for her not telling anyone about me using the Telescope Technique.'

"Their's a catch, isn't there. Otherwise you wouldn't suddenly change your mind about us not being able to participate." Tsunade said causing Orochimaru and Jiraiya to look up at Hiruzen with narrowed eyes.

Hiruzen simply sighed before he said "Yes. Iwa, Kumo, and Suna will all be participating in this exam. Many important and influential merchants and nobles will be attending the Exams. My mission for you three is to win, or at least make it into the finals. We need to make sure that Konoha can gain a greater number of mission requests that the other villages. Can you do that?"

"Of course." Tsunade responded with a confident smile.

Hiruzen also smiled at that, with him saying "Good. For the next two weeks, you won't be sent on any missions, so you'll be able to train together fully during that time."

The three then said their goodbyes to Hiruzen but before they could go home, Tsunade told them to follow her to her house.

The three arrived an saw Ayako sitting on the couch playing solitaire, Haru reading a book in the chair, and Mito preparing dinner in the kitchen.

Mito turned over to Tsunade and spoke "I didn't know you were bringing company over. Now I'll have to cook more."

'Your always cooking!' Tsuande though in her mind but didn't say out loud due to her enjoying her life.

"I came to see if you could reverse summon Orochimaru and Jiraiya so that they can gain a summoned beast for the Chunin Exams." Tsunade spoke.

Mito gained a serious look on her face as she said "Orochimaru needs to go ask his parents first. And are you both sure you wish to do this? It can get highly dangerous due to you not knowing where you may be summoned."

Both Orochimaru and Jiraiya nodded and showed determined looks on their faces.

Mito simply sighed before she said "Fine. Meet me here tomorrow morning so that I can help guide you through it. But make sure this is a decision that you truly want."

The two of them then left, leaving the family of four alone.

Mito quickly set the dinner table for everyone, with them all eating in relative harmony.

However that harmony was broken when Tsuande asked Haru "Dad, can you train me in Lightning Release?"

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